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Most bats catch prey using their ears through a process called echolocation. They send out a high pitch (high frequency sound) which is above the human hearing range, and this sound echos off of their surroundings. Their ears are designed to catch this echo, and then they process the echos to get a sort of "mental image" of their surroundings.

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Q: Do bats use their eyes or their ears to catch prey?
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How does bats locate prey?

They have a sonar and they use it to catch prey

How do bats catch there prey?

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all of the above.

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they do not feel... they just use their ears and eyes to see and hear their prey.

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Why do owls and bats need to hear?

They need hearing to help them catch their prey.

Why don't red betta's have ears?

because they relil on their smell to catch their food or prey and their incredible sight in the dark

How do bats use their ears to help them catch insects?

When they cannot see insects, at night, they can still locate them by emitting a sound and listening for echoes coming off the insects, a process called echolocation. It also helps them to avoid flying into walls or other obstacles.