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nope the fact they get unused is probably when they start losing their dependability.

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Q: Do batteries last longer if unopened?
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How can you make a digital camera's batteries last longer?

If you want any batteries to last longer then put the batteries in your fridge and that helps them to last longer!!

Do frozen batteries work longer then unfrozen batteries?

Frozen batteries last longer unfrozen batteries.

Does unopened liquor expire?

Unopened liquor will expire eventually. It will last much longer unopened than it will when it is opened and exposed to air.

Does double A batteries last longer than triple A batteries?

they are bigger

What kind of batteries last longer?


What is inside of expensive batteries last longer than cheaper batteries?

the most common non rechargeable battery is alkaline batteries. the more expensive batteries contain more lithium. the lithium batteries last a lot longer. you can also buy heavy duty batteries. although it sounds like they should last longer..they don't. heavy duty batteries are actually a step down from alkaline.

Will alkaline batteries last longer cold?

No, batteries should be stored at room temperature and extreme temperatures reduce performance. They do last longer for about 5%. And if there alkaline batteries, room temperature does just as well.

I've heard that storing batteries in your fridge makes them last longer- is that true?

Storing batteries in a fridge or freezer does not make them last longer, it's just a myth.

How much longer do lithium batteries last than normal ones?

Lithium batteries can last one and-a-half to two times as long as NiMH batteries.

What makes lithium ion batteries better?

Lithium ion batteries are supposed to last longer than nickel batteries. They do not lose charge for up to 10 years in their packaging, and they last longer while in use as well.

Why does a wet battery last longer?

The question is predicated on a foundationless premise; wet batteries do not necessarily last longer.

Do lithium batteries last longer in Rc cars?
