

Do beared dragons bite

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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DUUUUUHHHHHH... yes. But they have no teeth so it wont hurt, maybe when they're old

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Q: Do beared dragons bite
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Will a beared dragon bite?

will a beard dragon biteyou

Where do beared dragons live?

they live in warm, grass, areas when they were alive

Does all dragons bite?

The friendly ones don't as much. But they all need to bite to eat. Dragons, as depicted in fairy tales, may or may not bite depending on the story. 'Real' ones, such as Bearded Dragons and Komodo Dragons most certainly do.

Do bearded dragons bite when mating?

yes they will

Why do bearded dragons bite other bearded dragons?

Two adult males will always fight for dominance and territory. A male will bite a female to dominte her during mating.

Do komodo dragons are bad?

Yes, they are really mean. They bite, and their bite kills the other animal! The dragons just circle around and watch it as it's dying, sometimes for weeks.

What is better for a kid a baby beared dragon or older beared dragon?

a baby beared dragon is better because it will be nicer and will get to know you

Can you put a beared dragon in water?

Baths are fantastic for bearded dragons. It calms them and hydrates them. In fact, one of the ways they get water is through their skin. The warmth even helps them in digesting their food.

Why do bearded dragon go into paralysis?

I have done research on this and found that the baby beared dragons eat crickets that are too big which leads to paralysis. now I have the question of "will he regain movement in his hind legs?"

What does it mean if a male beared dragon bites a female dragons tail?

Either it means the male thought it was food by mistake, it wanted to play with the female, or it just did not feel comfortable around her at the time.

What is the purpose of the beared on beared dragon?

A mythical dragon's purpose, to me, is to guard/protect its master or town it grew up with. A dragon can also provide wisdom and riddles to solve. There is not much known about dragons... maybe they where also there to provide something to research?

Do bearded dragons bloat when they are impacted?

Yes they do. They will nip and bite and puff up also.