

Do bedbugs eat anybody's blood

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes, bedbugs apparently feed on anybody. Clean people are just as likely to be a bedbug's meal as are filthy people. But people are different as to how they react to being bitten by bedbugs. Some show virtually no marks where bedbugs have fed off them, many come out in little red marks resembling mosquito bites but usually in lines of three, while others come out in very large ugly looking rashes or lacerations over large areas of their skin, usually on their back or limbs.

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Bedbugs are not known to transmit disease. A thorough cleaning with over the counter disinfectants should suite the purpose of making it clean (removing the fecal matter which is dried blood)

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Do bedbugs serve any positive purpose to society?

This may be a bad answer: Nobody knows, but Bedbugs are classified as parasites, and have evolved to feed on human blood (VAMPIRES!) Also, they prefer to live in warm areas with slight amounts of light, the same needs as humans. Possibly, the answer is that their purpose is to live a changed life, as they have evolved to feed on humans.