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Well it can and cant, bell boots help protect a horses feet from the back legs coming up and pulling shoes on the front. It doesn't nessicarily improve time, more so just protect.

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Q: Do bell boots help a horses barrel time?
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What are Splint Boots?

Splint boots are designed help to protect a horses legs during movement while doing different types of work or sports. The splint boot covers the horses leg from just below the knee to the ankle and will help to support the horses legs and help prevent sprains and strains from jumping, running, sliding, etc. They also protect from cuts and scrapes and help to protect the leg from blows from the other legs.

Why use bell boots?

According to Wikipedia, "Bell boots are usually worn to prevent overreaching (when the horse "grabs" his front heels with the toes of his back feet, resulting in injury), or if the horse is wearing Shoe_studs, to protect him from accidentally injuring himself with the stud of the opposing hoof. In some cases a horse with corrective or poor shoeing wears shoes that protrude behind the foot, making it easier for a horse to overreach and spring or completely pull off the shoe. This is most commonly seen when the horse is jumping, working in mud or on a slippery surface, running cross-country, or Longeing, and bell boots can help prevent this from occurring. Bell boots are occasionally worn when shipping a horse, if the bandages or boots used do not provide protection to the heel region, or if a horse tends to pull his front shoes by stepping on them with his back feet. Bell boots are also sometimes used when the horse is turned out, for extra protection or to help prevent him from accidentally pulling a shoe if he is especially exuberant while playing."

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What is the purpose of riding boots?

Depends on what kind of boots your talking about... Competition Boots such as splint boots are used to support and prevent injury to tendons during strenuous activities such as gaming or just galloping in general. They also help prevent a horse from clipping itself on an obstacle when jumping or overreaching w/ its hind legs and also prevent injuries from impact upon landing. Helpful to use on horses that crossfire or brush their legs together occasionally. Bell boots (or overreach boots) are to help prevent the horse from stepping on the back of their front feet and possibly tearing out an important tendon. Although it is recommended to by a no turn version that won't spin and become (1) useless and (2) uncomfortable for the horse. Skid boots are similar to bell boots but are usually higher and used frequently in activities where the horse is required to stop quickly (such as roping) as opposed to gaming or jumping. Not every horse needs to wear boots if they seem able to avoid clipping themselves during what ever competitive riding you do. Although some horses can even manage to do this simply having a little fun in the pasture, so I've always felt somewhat nervous about leaving them off my horse. Boots are also helpful on trails that might be a little rough and do a decent job keeping the legs clean when you are wading through a foot of mud. Just make sure you invest in a pair that is comfortable for the horse, does what it is required of what your using it for and doesn't keep your horse too warm (which isn't a problem where I live but has been for many of my friends). Good luck :) I have a 16hh Irish thoroughbred and he is recovering from a fetlock strain i use fetlock boot on him when jumping or doing pole work in case he hit his leg of the poles :D

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What do you mean? If it is "why do girls have horses" i can help. Girls have horses because they like them.

How can you help sea horses?

Well if your willing to help sea horses in the ocean your gonna have some problems with that! But if you wanna help people with sea horses in fish tank's and do research on them that will be much easier for you!

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No protein to horses is like chocolate to dogs

What are the different types of horse wraps?

Polo Wraps- A long cotton or fleece wrap that wraps around the horses leg. comes in a variety of colors and protects the back of the horses leg and helps prevent rubbing. Medicine/vet Wraps- Just as they are, wraps that contain medicine. these can be put in the freezer, heated, injected with herbs, etc. to make a horses aches go away or help them feel better. Tendon Wraps/Boots- Help protect the tendons of the horse and helps protect other areas of the leg. Applied with Velcro or buckles. I would recommend tendon boots over polos. they protect better and look better and tidier in my opinion! :D Hope this helps!

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