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Q: Do betta's sleep with their eyes open or closed?
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Do fish go to sleep with eyes open or closed?

with the eyes closed

Do cows sleep with their eyes opened or closed?

No. They close their eyes like us when they sleep.

Do owls sleep with their eyes closed?

No ,they sleep with their eyes open

Do turtles sleep with their eyes open or closed?

Not all turtles sleep with their eyes closed. My yellow slider sleeps with its eyes closed but my Map turtle sleeps with them open so it depends on the turtle.

Does a polar sleep with its eyes open?

No, Closed

Do seals sleep with there eyes closed?

Seahorses don't have eyelids, so they sleep with both Eyes open.

Do floating turtles sleep with their eyes open or closed?

turtles do not sleep

Do snakes sleep with its eyes open or closed?

Snakes do not have eyelids, so their eyes are always open.

Do possums sleep with their eyes open?

Possums usually sleep with their eyes closed, but you may see the occasional possum asleep during the daytime, with its eyes open.

Do reborn dolls go to sleep?

No, you can either get your reborn doll with closed eyes OR open eyes

Why do betta fish sleep with their eyes open?

they keep their eyes open,and usually stay at the bottom of the tank,and dont usually move their fins and tail,but they do breate...With their eyes

Do you die with your eyes open or closed?

You can die with your eyes either open or closed. For many people, especially the sick and the elderly, it is not uncommon to die in their sleep, in which case their eyes will be closed. However, some do die with their eyes open, in which case it is considered respectful to close that person's eyes.