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The larger the star, the quicker it uses up it's hydrogen

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Q: Do bigger stars use hydrogen more rapidly?
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Why mass is so important in determining the evolution of a star?

Hydrogen, helium, and carbon fuel are found in more massive stars. The diameter of more massive stars is bigger. Helium is found in greater abundance in more massive stars. The weight of more massive stars is greater.

What forms massive stars?

Stars are made mostly from hydrogen. The more hydrogen available when a star is formed, the more massive it will be.

Why do bigger stars lose their gas more quickly?

Larger stars have more mass and stronger gravity than small ones, which leads to greater pressure and thus higher temperatures at their cores, which causes hydrogen to fuse at a higher rate.

Why do bigger stars die more quickly?

Bigger stars get hotter, and use up their fuel much faster than smaller stars.

Does hydrogen undergoes reactions more rapidly than deuterium?

I Think Deuterium

Why do the big stars shine brighter than the smaller stars?

The big stars have more hydrogen to burn and has much more surface area thats why it shines brighter.

Why does sound travel faster in helium than in air?

Hydrogen atoms are lighter and move more rapidly.

How do a stars radius compare with their mass?

the bigger the radius the more the mass.

What are the four stars bigger than sun?

Actully, there are more than just four stars bigger than the sun. 5% of the stars are bigger than the sun. The sun just looks so big because it's closer to Earth. :~)

What effects do stars' brightnesses have on other parts of the solar system?

Yes as if it isn't hot enough to fuse rapidly the hydrogen atoms then it will not create enough photons to be bright in the sky and we wouldn't be able to see it easily.

Are stars with the most hydrogen for nuclear fuel have the longest lives?

No, stars with the most hydrogen have the shortest lives. The more massive a star is, the faster it burns its fuel, and the sooner the core is depleted.

What is more stronger a comet explosion or a nuke explosion?

a comet explosion is more stronger and bigger than a nuke explosion and atomic bomb but not a hydrogen if you want something to be mor bigger than a hydrogen explosion call in a asteroid that's bigger than a hydrogen explosion and some meteors. ps I am the maker of the awnsers web site