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No, it depends on how you water them and how much sunlight they receive

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Q: Do bigger sunflower seeds grow into bigger sunflowers?
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How do sunflowers make seeds?

Vitamin C, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, etc.

Do sunflower seeds grow under or above ground?

sunflowers grow above ground .

What is the sunflower that does not grow seeds?

All sunflowers produce seeds if they are fertilized. The only way they would not develop seeds is if they were pollenless and there were no sunflowers with pollen within range (about 3 miles for a honeybee) to fertilize them.

How long do sunflowers take to grow?

In a warm temperate climate the giant - type sunflowers take about three months from seed to flower. The miniature varieties are a bit less.

Can you grow a sunflower with sunflower seeds?

If the sunflowers are not a hybrid variety, then you can save the seed by cutting the flowers when the seeds are fully formed and loose in the head, drying the whole head for two or so weeks, rubbing them from the head, drying for a further couple of weeks, and replanting in the spring. you can use hybrid varieties as long as long as they are not sterile in which case you wont get any seeds anyway. you just wont get the same flower vigor and or good looks. zaf.

Do sunflowers grow from seeds?

Yes. Sunflowers are grown from seed.

Why do sunflower seeds grow well in Kansas?

Sunflowers are naturally adapted to grasslands and prairies, which makes up the majority of Kansas' topography. The soil in Kansas is very fertile, meaning many plants actually grow well there, not just sunflowers.

What is the Temperature of sunflower?

according to my research, 54 degrees celsius

Why a rose grows faster then a sunflower?

Roses do not grow faster than sunflowers. Sunflowers will sprout, grow to their full adult height, bloom, produce seeds, and die all within a single season. Rose bushes take two to three years to reach an age where they will bloom and grow flowers. So therefor roses do not grow faster than sunflowers.

What is sunflower poems?

SUNFLOWERS Sunflowers grow tall Lift your head to be bright sunshine Mother Nature's child

How do miniature sunflower seeds grow?

they dont

How sunflowers seeds are spread?

most sunflower seeds get carried and dropped of by birds and usually in another place other than your garden. it also can be by human tossing it around. wind can't make them spread because they are to heavy and to much mass