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It depends upon the laws of the state in which the person resided at the time of death. In many states where a will does not exist the surviving spouse "automatically" becomes sole owner of all personal and real property aquired during the marriage. Other states have laws in which the children of the deceased parent receives a portion of the estate when no will exist.

The best option is to contact an attorney who practices in the field for information regarding the governing state laws.

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right after he passes away, unless they caused it.

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Q: Do biological children have a right in the estate of their mother over a stepfather?
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Does biological children have rights to deceased fathers assetts if the step mother is power of attorney?

The power of attorney expired on his death. In most cases the spouse gets the estate if there is no will.

Do stepchildren have dual citizenship when the mother is a US citizen and the stepfather a Canadian citizen?

If the stepfather has legal paper for custody, then the children under 18 are eligible for Canadian citizenship.