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Q: Do bipolar people say things that they don't mean to say?
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Do bipolar people mean everything they say when they are high?

NO body says anything they mean when they are high!

Can bipolar be sociopaths?

Sure. But so can people with leukemia, arthritis, and HIV. Having Bipolar Disorder doesn't automatically mean you'll turn out to be a sociopath.

What do people mean when they call you bipolar?

They are saying you change emotions quickly, and these emotions are often extreme.

Are girls bipolar?

Bipolar disorder can affect people of any gender, including girls. It is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that include periods of depression and mania. However, it is important to note that having mood swings does not necessarily mean someone has bipolar disorder. If you are concerned about your own or someone else's mental health, it is important to seek advice from a healthcare professional.

Are there such things as oompa loompas?

no but some people are shourt but it does not mean they are oompa loompas.if they dont look like ms kaur that is .

Why do people don't like Snoopy?

if u mean why dont some people not like snoopy its because not everyone likes the same things its a matter of opion

Why wont people accpet you?

Dont worry people didnt accept me either just because i had a disabilty. I did things that people found differnt and people used to say i was so werid. People can be mean and very judgemental but dont worry about them your not the only person that it has happen to

Do moms be mean on purpose are just to be mean?

You have probably heard this a million times, but Moms are not mean on purpose, they act that way to protect you and make sure you dont do things that are not good for you or people around you.

What does diagnosis code 296.80 mean?


Safety tips on how to prevent cyber bullying?

just dont get yourslef into it. dont write mean things online and if you get some mean messages just dont reply.

What does disorder bipolar nos 296.80 mean?

Bipolar Disorder, not otherwise specified. It means a form of Bipolar Disorder that doesn't really fit the other diagnostic categories.

Do mood swings make me bipolar?

Mood swings are a symptom of bipolar; but that does not definitively mean you are bipolar; your best bet is to go to a doctor. There are times when you may have symptoms but not the disease.