

Do black holes move

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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Now that is a good question.

Unfortunately there is not a good answer. Our system of maths breaks down inside a black hole so we cannot calculate what is happening.

One theory is that they evaporate by Hawking radiation. Another that they will all coalesce and form a giant black hole with all the matter in the universe, which may explode and start the whole thing off again.

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14y ago
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16y ago

Yes; black holes are essentially large stars that have collapsed in on themselves, so they move in the universe the same way that stars do. They rotate, they can orbit other bodies (or other bodies can orbit them), etc. However, they do not move in a "random" fashion--they still have to follow the laws of gravity, etc.

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15y ago

Black holes have a very complex way of moving around. If I explained the entire, It would fill up about 5 of these pages. So in a simple way of describing it, when they suck in things to do with gravitational matter, this can push them along. But sometimes, if their "full up" with light, stars and planets, they just move along with their... whirly method.

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13y ago

'they fade away into oblivion.

Well as my friend before me said they do. Though this due to a quantum effect called hawking radiation.(If your now thinking well isn't a black hole meant to be as black as black can get so how can it radiate: well, it completely classical physics when it comes to QUANTUM physics they are not.)

Hawking radiation occurs due to Heisenburg's uncertainty principle. This is the idea that due to quantum physics virtual particles pairs are created all the time in the vacuum of space as the vacuum of space fluctuates. The pairs will naturally collide an annihilate with each other before much can happen so how is this to do with the question 'Do black holes die?'

Now let us say that a pair of anti-particles are created inside the gravitational range of a black hole. These two antiparticles are brought into the black hole's origin before the are able to annihilate each other. The anti-particles are pulled in by the rest-mass energy of the black hole. As these particles are anti-particles one has negative energy while the other has positive. Then the particle with the negative energy is pulled into the black while the one with positive energy is thrown into space. The reason for one being repulsed from the black hole is complex and is due to the black hole's rotation.

The energy in this process is lost when the particle with positive energy is filled with energy of the black hole's rest-mass causing it dispersed away. This process that causes energy to be lost is very slow, till all the black holes rest-mass energy is dispersed. The process also has to go faster rate than the energy taken in by the black hole. And for most Super-massive black holes will take longer than the age of the universe to be of any effect.

Though now no super-massive black hole could have ''Died'' through this process because it would take longer than the age of the universe for the process to disperse all of the black holes rest-mass except for black holes called miniature black holes the can "Die" in a virtually instantaneous as the speed of this process is inversely proportional to the size of the black hole. As quantum physics has larger effects on the micro world.

This process has never yet been observed though is theoretically possible. NASA plans to launch a telescope into space that will try and detect gamma rays coming from black holes. Also in the experiment of CERN that most people have heard of we hopefully will be able to see this process take place if mini black holes are created. This process also has evidence for it as it could explain how the entropy of a black hole is conserved.

Black holes don't die they just go to sleep for a long time until mater gets near them then they start up and start sucking things in until there is nothing left to eat around them.

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15y ago

Scientists believe that black holes do move. but the closest known black holes are so far away that we are unable to positively detect their motion.

Everything moves in the universe; the problem is that we can only measure movement in relationship to something else. When we stand in one place, we're still moving; we just can't feel it. The Earth spins, and orbits the Sun. Our whole solar system is orbiting the center of the galaxy, and our galaxy is moving relative to all the other galaxies.

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11y ago

Yes, they can. One such instance is the quasar called OJ287, where one smaller black hole, weighing 100 million Suns, was found to be orbiting another, larger black hole, weighing 18 billion Suns.

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15y ago

Yes and no. some black holes do and some do not.

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15y ago

Yes. Black holes are parts of galaxies. And because the galaxies are in motion, so are the black holes within them.

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13y ago

black holes rotate in a spirlish way to suck all matter inwards and out to the bright side

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