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No one can give any concrete evidence on the color of anyone's ghost (no matter what the race) nor if ghosts actually exist.

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Q: Do black people have black ghosts?
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Are black people's ghost black?

black people's ghosts are actually a chocolaty shade of brown, often indistinguishable from normal black people. but as everyone knows the black ghosts have a weakness to salt, so if you ever see a black person, throw salt in their face and if they react violently then you know that they are actually a ghost

On the album the black ghosts by black ghosts which song was from the movie twilight?

The song from The Black Ghosts was 'Full Moon' that was featured on Twilight.

Can ghosts be in a black form?

Ghosts can take a variety of forms, including appearing black.

Are ghosts good or evil?

Ghosts that are white are nice and ghosts that are black are evil. It is said to tame black ghosts into white ghosts is to play a soothing melody on the piano. I have 2 white ghosts and 1 black ghost in my home and i always never get attacked by the black ghost cause everyday i play oracion and its very calming to me and the ghosts so pretty much my home is their home.

Are black cat have gohst in them?

Some people believe that all animals have souls. I myself believe they do. If you are asking if black cats are possessed by ghosts? No, they are not.

Do normal people become ghosts?

There are no ghosts.

How many people believe in ghosts?

Their are a lot of people that believe in ghosts, and their are a lot of people who don't believe in ghosts. No one really knows how many people believe in ghosts, but mostly thousands believe in ghosts. Some people can sense their presence, and the negative energy they bring.

Can people make ghosts happy?

It is not possible to confirm if ghosts exist or if they have the capacity to feel emotions like happiness. However, many believe that showing respect, love, and acknowledgment to the memory of departed individuals can create positive energy and bring comfort to those who have passed on.

Is Black Cemetery haunted?

No, there are no such things as ghosts.

Are there ghosts in colonial times?

People BELIEVED in ghosts during Colonial times. Does not mean that there WERE ghosts.

How do ghosts appear?

Ghosts can't appear, there people's imagination!

What does a black shadow appearing in your photos mean?
