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your teeth being white or not has nothing to do with your skin color, i can be white and have different color teeth, so just because your black doesn't mean you have white teeth. think about it. Well the final answer is no. anyone can have white teeth

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Q: Do black people have whiter teeth than white people?
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Related questions

How do you turn my teeth white?

Teeth can be made whiter by a bleaching process. If you want this treatment for your teeth it is best to see a dentists about it.

How do you make your teeth appear whiter?

You can make your teeth appear whiter by using at-home treatments like whitening gels or strips available at most retail stores. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day helps keep your teeth white, and some chewing gums have been proven to help keep your teeth white. If you have fair-colored skin, tanning could increase the contrast of your skin to your teeth, making them appear whiter.

What braces colors make your teeth look whiter?

Pretty much all of them, except from White or yellow they bring out yellowish color. But orange, teal, blue and purple look good.

Why don't people like white lipstick on girls?

One of the main purposes for using lipstick is for contrast to the teeth. For example, bright red lipstick is used so that the teeth look whiter. White lipstick can often dull teeth and make them look discoloured. This is one of the main reasons.

Why do people want to whiten their teeth?

People feel that their teeth are strange colors and or embarrassing . Some people don't wear white because their shirt will be brighter then their teeth. Kids see celebs with white white white teeth , and theirs are gray-ish. So the feel worried about their teeth . Luckily , you can whiten them with white strips in only 2 hours. Kids can use tooth pastes , just check the back for instructions for their age.

What color is whiter than white?

There is nothing 'whiter than white', because white is already as white as it gets.

What is the comparative and superlative of white?

Comparative: Whiter Superlative: Whitest

Are girls more attracted to whiter teeth?

Whiter teeth doesn't make a person. As long as your teeth are in good shape and medium white then there should be no problem. If someone let's their teeth decay and get yellow and brown in tinge then it's very unattractive. Some girls look at the guy's eyes, some his smile while others look at a good built on a guy.

Are Bull Sharks teeth white or butt?


Who sang the song she was black as the night and louie was whiter than white?

Stories - Brother Louie

Which brand of toothpaste makes your teeth whiter Colgate or Listerine?

Personally for me, I used to use Colgate Crest 3D White Toothpaste. However, I've gone over to Colgate Optic White. They both work perfectly if you get everything that they tell you to. For example, the toothpaste, mouthwash, and the toothbrush! You should have whiter teeth in 4 weeks or more if you continue to brush at night and the day.

Is more white or whiter grammatically correct?

"Whiter" or simply "more white" alone are both are acceptable. Examples: This shirt is more white than the other one. This shirt is whiter than the other one.