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maybe, maybe not.

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Q: Do black snakes rattle their tales?
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Related questions

Can snakes hear rattler snakes rattle?

The Arizona black rattlesnake is black and has a rattle.

What do black widow spiders and rattle snakes eat?

Black widow spiders eat insects. Rattle snakes eat mice, rats and other small animals.

What is the possessive noun for the rattle of the snake?

The possessive form for "the rattle of the snake" is the snake's rattle.

What are prairie dogs preditors?

Black footed ferrets, foxes, hawks, eagles, coyotes, badgers, bull snakes and rattle snakes.

How do snakes communicate?

It's not really known, but it is said that hissing is a form of communication. Rattle snakes rattle their rattle to communicate too.

What are some of Florida's interesting animals?

well i know a few cool snakes. Rattle snakes, king snakes, black snakes, coach whips, chicken snakes, garter snakes, and coral snakes. you can google them for more information.

Is a rat snake the same as a rattle snake?

Rat snakes and rattle snakes are not the same thing. Rat snakes are constrictors, and have little to no venom. Rattle snakes are venomous and have large quantities of venom. Rat snakes are commonly kept as pets, but rattlesnakes are not.

What is king snakes prey?

Rattle snakes are their prey.

What are some names of desert snakes?

rattle snakes

Is there snakes in cailfornia?

absolutely, lots of snakes, especially rattle snakes

What does the rattle snake eat?

Rattle snakes eat lizards and small rodents such as ground squirrels, small rabbits, rats and mice.

What is a rattle snakes height?

The height of a rattle snake is about 15 feet.