

Do boas protect their young

Updated: 10/8/2023
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11y ago

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No. As with all snakes young boas take care of themselves.

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Q: Do boas protect their young
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Does a boa have live young?

If the young were not live, they would be dead and there would be no more boas on Earth.

How do boas teach their young?

They do not. As soon as boas are born (the eggs hatch inside the mother) they live on their own. Nearly all their behavior is instinctive.

Do boas raise their young?

No. As with all snakes the babies have to fend for themselves from day one.

How many egg does a boa snake lay?

None. Boas give birth to live young. The number of young depend on the species.

On average how many live young can a Boa give birth to?

Boas generally have between 30 and 40 living young but can have as many as 60.

Do boa constirctors lay eggs or are their young born alive?

All boas give live birth.

Do female boas normally protect their young?

When the boa constrictor has had babies it has a very big responsibility over them. One of the ways a mother boa protects its young is by coiling around them to keep them warm because they are cold-blooded animals and need to stay in temperature. Another way that it protects its young is by leaving the babies hidden in a hole and she goes out to look for food.

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At birth, emerald tree boas can be from 40 to 50cm long and can weigh 20 to 50 g . The young are a reddish-brown in color. It is believed that they can live well over 20 years.

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