

Do boys like guys or girls?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Some boys like guys, but they usually get beaten up on a daily basis. Most of them like girls.

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Q: Do boys like guys or girls?
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ya.some boys like sporty girls.

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Girls have their own type in boys some want bad boys ,good boys , smart boys ugly boys , cute boys.

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Yes we do! At least country boys like me do!

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Boys like messing with girls heads because they think it impresses girls and it shows other guys to back off.

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No, some girls do but some girls like guys that are smart

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They like guys that buy them things some girls don't I don't guys spending money on whats so ever.

What should girls do to get boys to like them?

Nothing special. Be themselves. Plenty of guys will like them for who they are.

What do girls do to make guys like them?

Some girls show off what they have like butt and boobs but its dumb but alot of boys like it

Do boys like hard-of-hearing girls?

Different guys like different girls :) you'll find the right one for you.

What kinda boys do girls like?

Tall and charming guys with good attributes.

Do guys ever cry?

yes, boys have emotion just like girls.