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some people it does some it doesn't

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Q: Do braces hurt when your orthodontist is about to put them on?
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Related questions

Who can put braces on your teeth?

An orthodontist can put braces on your teeth

Who puts on the braces?

Most likely the orthodontist people put on the braces because they put on mine.

Does it hurt when you get wires on your braces?

It hurts when the orthodontist tightens them.

What can you do if the braces hurt?

Not much. Braces will hurt because of the shifting of teeth. Your orthodontist may recommend bonjella to bring down the swelling.

Do you have the option of being put to sleep when putting braces on?

No, when you get braces on, the orthodontist is simply applying apparatus to the outside of your teeth, so there is no pain. After a few hours of getting your braces on, you may feel some discomfort as the braces begin to move your teeth.

What is a sentence for orthodontist?

Example sentence - The orthodontist planned his vacation the week after he put braces on my teeth.

Do braces hurt when comes off?

The act of removing braces can hurt sometimes if the orthodontist has to exert considerable force to detach them. However, one's teeth do not hurt once the braces are removed. There is a strange sensation, but mostly that it is the noticeable absence of the constant level of pain/discomfort that was present while the braces were on.

Where are braces made?

factorys for orthodontist factorys for orthodontist

How long does it usually take in between the first 3 appointments before you get you braces on?

To be honest, that would be a question that you ask your Orthodontist. Check out this website to find out more about braces: And don't worry, I have had braces for 5 years. It doesn't hurt when they are put on OR when taken off. :)

How do you play the trumpet with braces on?

The same as if you were playing it without. It can be painful, but you can ask your orthodontist for some wax to put on your braces for a little cushion.

Can you when you have braces?

It's up to the orthodontist when you can or cannot have braces.

How do you buy braces?

you can buy braces at your local orthodontist.