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Strictly speaking, a practicing Buddhist cannot do or say anything with the intention of killing anyone, especially people, in the womb or out. However, the Buddha was not a political activist, knew about the death penalty in his time, but did not emphasize it one way or the other.

Since the majority of Buddhists do not practice strictly, there is a variety of opinions among Buddhists. But the instructions of the Buddha were clear - a practicing Buddhist (upasakkha) does not kill anyone or intentionally cause them to be killed.

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Some Buddhist countries have adopted capital punishment, but capital punishment runs contrary to the teachings of the Buddha. This is no different than a Christian country adopting capital punishment even though Christianity says "thou shalt not kill".

yes but only since 1944

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Q: Do buddhist's believe in the death penalty?
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This statement is debatable. There are people who believe that America has a subculture of violence and that we glorify guns and are therefore more likely to use the death penalty. Compared to Europe who has abolished the death penalty and many believe they value human rights more than people in America. There is also a Southern Exceptionalism in which people in the south believe in and use the death penalty more because of its history of racial discrimination and it's subculture of violence.

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yes they oppose itAnother View: I believe the Democrat Party, as a political entity, opposes the death penalty. I am certain not everyone who claims to be a Democrat supports that view.

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Our countries might not grant diplomatic recogniztion to one another. Also, if it is a death penalty case, some countries do not believe in the death penalty and will refuse to extradite someone to the US unless they receive diplomatic assurance that the death penalty will not be asked for.

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i believe if you killed somebody, and it was not in a form of self defense, then you should be killed.

Is Texas for or against the death penalty?

For. If most of the citizens in Texas did not want the death penalty, there would be no death penalty.