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Q: Do burrowing owls have short or long legs?
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What difference makes a burrowing owl different from other owls?

burrowing owls live under ground and other birds dontBurrowing owls are the only owls who live underground. Also, burrowing owls prefer running with their long legs to flying.

Do owls have short or do they have long legs?


What are the characteristics of a Burrowing Owl?

Burrowing owls have featherless long legs and they live underground. The rest of the owl species have medium legs with feathers on there to protect them from prey that fights back. And really owls usually live in hollow trees. Only a few live under ground

Besides living in burrowed under the ground instead of treeswhat is one of the characteristic that makes the burrowing owls different from other species of owls?

Burrowing owls live under ground unlike other owls. Try to think of another owl that lives underground. Burrowing owls are long legged and live in open landscapes of North and South America. They live underground They are very different from other owls.

What are facts about the burrowing owl?

Burrowing owls have the longest legs,live in borrows,perfer dry dessert areas, and have big yellow eyes.

What kind of owls live in Florida?

Species that reside there year round include the barred owl, horned owl, screech owl, burrowing owl, and barn owl. In winter, the short eared and long eared owls are present as well in varying numbers.

What is a burrowing owls egg color?

All owls have eggs that are white/off-white, including Burrowing Owls.

How long do burrowing owls take to hatch their eggs?

4 weeks

What is the average of eggs that burrowing owls lay?

Burrowing Owls lay about nine eggs.

Why are the burrowing owls threatened?

Burrowing owls feel threatened because of predures and human activity.

Do burrowing owls live in catus?

No, burrowing owls live exactly where their name suggests - in burrows.

How do burrowing owls capture food?

Burrowing Owls Capture Food By Digging or Hidding & Jumping