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If anyone wants to know the answer to this question; here's the answer to it. THAT'S A BIG NO! The reason why is because all flying insects have multiple eyes. That means that inside their eyes, there are millions that can see all directions. If you're wondering why they have multiple eyes is that say if you were an insect for example, if you had eyes like we do the you could not see your surroundings. Now, since butterflies get eaten by birds, they need to see from up top, down below, and left and right to see if any bird is coming.

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It doesn't humans don't wings and after 1 day for a butterfly it dies

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Q: Do butterflies see like humans
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How tall are buterflies?

All butterflies are different shapes and sizes=Like humans=

How many colors do butterfly see?

Quote from the related link: "Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow, but they also see color in the ultraviolet range, which reveals patterns on flowers-and other butterflies-that we can't see."

Do butterflies like mushed up banana?

Some butterflies do like mushed up banana, particularly if it has fermented. For instance the "Charaxe" Butterflies of Africa will feed on this. See related link below.

Why don't people usually see butterflies on cold days?

well maybe it isn't the butterflies preferred environment some butterflies might like cold weather some might like hot weather.

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Butterflies and humans.

Do humans harm monarch butterflies?

yes :[

Do monarch butterflies have bones?

Monarch butterflies do not have bones like humans. Monarchs are insects which have exoskeletons instead. Exoskeletons are like having plates of armor made of bone (or in this case, made of chitin) on top of your body instead of inside it.

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How can you tell when you like someone?

When they are around you kind of get butterflies or when you see them you cant help but smile.

How do butterfiles taste things?

Butterflies taste things with their feet. Butterflies have taste receptors located on their feet, so they step on their food to see what it tastes like.

How are butterflies beneficial to humans?

Humans can affect butterflies in both positive and negative ways. When humans spray pesticides to kill harmful insects, it kills the butterflies as well, but many humans plant special "butterfly gardens" that give butterflies a safe place to live and reproduce.

Compare and contrast ladybugs and butterflies?

When you compare ladybugs and butterflies, one of the biggest contrasts that you see is size as ladybugs are much smaller. Ladybugs have hard wing covers and butterflies have a greater variety of colors.