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They do not have wins only flying ants have wings because they did them to fly around if they need to

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13y ago
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9y ago

No sugar ants do not have wings. Sugar ants are tiny little ants who are attracted to sweets they are the most commonly found ants in homes.

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Yes, it does.

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Q: Do carpenter ants have wings
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Related questions

What do carpenter ants look like?

Carpenter ants can appear dark brown, yellow, red or black in color. The males typically have wings and the queen measures anywhere from 13 to 17 millimeters in length.

The difference between flying ants and carpenter ants or are all flying ants carpenter ants?

Not all flying ants are carpenter ants. However, all carpenter ants can fly. There are various types of flying ants. Carpenter ants can be distinguished by their larger size and reddish tone to their body.

Ant with wings?

Ants with wings... are just that, ants with wings. They evolve to move on to a new nest and build a new colony. Sometimes what you think might be an ant with wings is a termite or carpenter ant, or vice versa. But check out some pictures and you'll see the difference. But gnats don't look remotely like ants. Seriously...

What do ants fly?

There is an image of a winged carpenter ant at the related link below. (*Adult termites also fly, but they are not entomologically ants. Sometimes carpenter ants, which damage but do not consume wood, are mistaken for swarming termites.) (see related links below)

Army fire and carpenter are types of what insect?

These are all types of ants

Is black carpenter ants bites venomous?

No, carpenter ants are not venemous at all.

Do carpenter ants eat drywall?

Carpenter ants do not eat drywall or wood. They hollow it out to nest in it.

Can ants live in a box?

I believe carpenter ants can.

Do carpenter ants eat cactus?

Red ants

Do carpenter ants and harvester ants look alike?


Are carpenter ants poisonous?

Both carpenter ants and acrobat ants will bite. The carpenter ant rarely bites a human and they are not poisonous. The acrobat ant is quick to bite and this can cause pain and itching but they are not poisonous.

Does carpenter ants appear only on carpet?

No. Actually, it is more common to see carpenter ants outside than on a carpet.