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Castration, removal or destruction of the testes, has a drastic effect of endocrine functions, as the testes are major sites of hormone production. As a vasectomy leaves the testes in tact, there is no effect on the endocrine system. Both methods prevent reproduction.

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Q: Do castration and vasectomy have the same effects on the endocrine and reproductive functions?
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Related questions

What would cause male castration?

This could result from an injury, a wound, testicular cancer, or voluntary surgery.

What is the difference between castration and sterilization?

Castration is the removal of the testicles from a male animal or person, which is a form of sterilization because sperm can no longer be produced. Sterilization of a male can be accomplished without castration, for example by vasectomy, which is cutting and cauterizing the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the seminal vesicles.

What part of reproductive system is vacsectomy?

A vasectomy is not part of the reproductive system. It is a sterilization procedure done on men in which the vans deferens is cut and tied.

Can a man get neutered?

No. A vasectomy is the tying of the vas deferens to pevent sperm reaching the ejaculate and therefore makes the man infertile . Castration is the removal of the testes which produce spermatozia and testosterone. Neutering is usually reserved for animals

What reproductive parts are affected during a vasectomy?

No reproductive part is affected by vasectomy adversely. You cut the vas diferens in vasectomy. Thereby the sperms do not enter the semen and fertility is prohibited. This is very simple procedure with almost no complications. Unfortunately the brave males usually force the females to go for tubectomy. Tubectomy is relatively much more invasive procedure.

Is Vasectomy for males or females?

The vas deferens is part of the male reproductive system, so it's male.

How did Hitler stop some people from procreating?

Hitler used forced sterilization. One of his better known methods was hysterectomy and in males vasectomy and castration. He had also made use of high dosages of copper sulphate.

How is castration different from neutering?

Vasectomy means severing the ducts leading from the testicles, but leaving the testicles in place. Means the dog can't father any puppies, but will keep all the behaviour parts of being male, like aggression. Castration or neutering means removing the testicles entirely. W/o testicles the dog's testosterone levels will drop, making the dog less aggressive and less challenging.

At the Houston Vasectomy Clinic what is the average cost of a vasectomy?

A Vasectomy procedure will cost about $1,300 to any man not wanting to have children any longer if the procedure is done by the Houston Vasectomy Clinic.

Can a man who had a vasectomy have natural children?

You should not be able to get pregnant by a man who has had a vasectomy.

Why cant humans live without the reproductive system?

Yes, in fact women and men who suffer from cancers/diseases of the uterus and male sex organs, will often have a hysterectomy or vasectomy respectively, to remove the organs. You will live, just be unable to have children of your own (especially if you have had a hysterectomy).

If a men had a vasectomy done can a women get pregnant?

If the vasectomy was successful then no the woman cannot become pregnant.