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they were taught from watching the mother and father but itz also instinct.

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Q: Do cat lick themsefleve because the saw their parents or the just new to do it?
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Why does your dog lick his tail?

Dogs lick their tails because they're cleaning themselves just like cats.

Do dogs lick you because they love you or they like the taste of your skin?

They lick you beacasue dogs like to show compassion. They lick you because they love you, but also if you have been around other dogs/animals they like the taste.

Why do dogs lick your skin?

Dogs lick your for a couple reasons... Either they want to get your attention,or they just like you. Some dogs just lick you for the salt on your skin.

Why do dogs lick humans?

It is because they like the taste of the skin and the feel more safer.

Why do shih tzus lick microfiber furniture?

The dogs like to lick the furniture because they like to lick just about anything. These dogs will usually live for at least 15 to 20 years.

Why can't I lick their elbow?

If you lick someone elses elbow it would be disgusting but you can't lick your own elbow because your neck and tongue just cannot stretch that far! Try it! NOW!

Why do pugs lick other dogs?

They may be cleaning a wound or just doing it because they like the other dog.

Why do dogs lick you so much?

Dog ususlly lick you because they love you and that is how they show affection Sometimes dogs will lick for affection, but only about 1% of the time. Usually if dogs love you, they will lick you under your chin or on your hands. If dogs lick you on your face, that means they think they are dominant, and they want to be in charge. If they lick your face, turn your back to them and stick your nose in the air. That way they know you don't want them to do that. And if they lick a little kid in the face because you let them do that to you, most likely the kid will get scared and cry... not a good scenario. So only let them lick your hands.

How do you lick a boy?

just stick out your tongue and lick him, haha.

Why do many people find it hard to lick their nose?

A very small amount of people can lick their nose, it's just like your bellybutton you have an innie or an outtie, you can't control it. Most people can't lick their nose because their tongue just isn't long enough.

Are boobs fun to lick?

Yes. Not just lick but sucking them too.

Why does your brother lick you?

because they want to get attention sometimes they just want to bother you hey you have to say that's what they r for Example: well my sister takes all my stuff and trys to lick me and my dad just because she want attention she is four you have to love them well hope that helped bye