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Only one god.

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Q: Do catholics believe in only one god or many?
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Do Catholics believe that God is their father?

Yes.Catholics believe that God is their father and only father

How many gods in catholik?

Catholics believe in one God

What is the difference between Catholics and Muslims?

Muslim believe in monotheism (one and only one God. Catholics believe in monotheism as well, but believe that there are three Persons in that One God. (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).Muslims believe in Muhammad as God prophet and messenger. Catholics don't believe in Muhammad prophecy.Muslims believe that Jesus is one of God greatest prophets but is not God or son of God. Catholics believe that Jesus is God, the Son of God.Muslims believe in the Bible, Christians holy book, as God holy book. Catholics don't believe in Quran, Muslims holy book, as God holy book.

What is the difference between non catholics and catholis?

basically catholics believe in jesus. but there are also believers of jesus who are not catholics so we can only say that they are christians. those who do not believe in God is not a catholic.

Do Catholics believe in Jehovah?

Jehovah is a name for God. Catholics believe in God. They just don't generally use Jehovah as a name for God, but it is the same God. So yes, you could say that Catholics believe in Jehovah.

Who is the supreme god of Catholicism?

The Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Catholics only believe in One God.

Do true Catholics believe in God?

Yes, otherwise they are not true Catholics.

Do Catholics believe Jesus was neither man nor God?

Absolutely not! Catholics believe that Jesus was God made flesh. In other words, he was both God and man.

Why don't assemsbly of god believe catholics are christians?

Becaus Catholics aren't Christians. Catholics believe that you have to go through the High Priest to talk to God, they believe that you'll go to purgetory if you do something wrong you didn't confess, and they pray to the saints. Christians, on the other hand, don't believe they need to go through someone else to talk to God (Jesus took care of the sepparation), they believe that if you rely on Jesus to get to heaven then you will go to heaven (no pergetory), and they only pray to God because the saints are only human.

How many Catholics are already in heaven?

Only God can answer that question and He does not do WikiAnswers.

Do catholics embrace Mohammed as the true god?

No, Catholics simply embrace God the being. They also believe that Jesus Christ is God and the Son of God.

Who is more right about god catholics or protestants?

Neither. Protestants believe that the way one believes in God should be simple, but Catholics believe that everything should be fancy and worthy of God.