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Q: Do cats get worms in cold weather?
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Where do worms go in cold weather?

They go wherever they can reach that is warm

Do cats get cold at cool weather?

i dont know why are you asking me!

Cold weather and cats?

My cat wants inside when he gets cold. If its below 40 he will get in.

What temperatures do worms have to live in?

warm because i found them in the dirt

What biome do cats live in?

Cats can live in all biomes since they adapt to every place they go. Cats can live in cold weather, warm and hot weather, and humid weather.

How do worms eat cats?

Worms eat cats that are decomposed and they take small bites of it.

Do cats get depressed by the cold weather?

crazy question , foolish wasting time answering all this

Are segmented worms warm blooded or cold blooded?

Segmented worms are cold blooded. All worms are cold blooded.

Does the white worms in cats come from pork?

White worms in cats and dogs are probably tapeworm, which is spread by fleas.

What time of year do cats get worms?

cats do not get worms if they are properly fed and healthy, if they do contract some sort of disease that causes worms they need to be taken to a vet immediately.

Does a cat like cold or hot places?

most cats (pet cats) are comfy untill the temperature reaches 130*F above that they get uncomfy and it is true. To prove it, cats first lived in the desert so they can take very hot weather and get uncomfy when its cold

Can you use synanthic on cats for worms?

NOT at all