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Q: Can you use synanthic on cats for worms?
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Can you use synanthic on dogs for worms?

Synanthic can be used on dogs although it is commonly prescribed for use in cattle. Before giving it to your dog, seek the advice of a veterinarian.

How do worms eat cats?

Worms eat cats that are decomposed and they take small bites of it.

Does the white worms in cats come from pork?

White worms in cats and dogs are probably tapeworm, which is spread by fleas.

What tools or equipment does an entrepreneur use?

thy use dogs and cats to eat worms from spongebobs house, therefor putting the sea worms in squidwards house, therefor the dogs and cats setting the houe on fire, therefor squidward getting burned alive.

What time of year do cats get worms?

cats do not get worms if they are properly fed and healthy, if they do contract some sort of disease that causes worms they need to be taken to a vet immediately.

How much gun powder do you give cats to get rid of worms?

You should never use gunpowder to deworm cats. This is dangerous and often fatal. Since no one product can eliminate all parasitic worms, it's best to take your cat to the vet to determine what kind of worms are present.

Can children gets worms from cats?


Are cats decompsers?

No. worms, bacteria are decomposers

Are dogs and cats immune to tape worms?


Do cats get worms in cold weather?


Do Cats have worms?

A cat can die from certain types of worms. Like the heartworm, a cat can die from. But worms around its rear end aren't fatal. It's best if you contact a vet and get it treated so its not going to spread to other cats.

Can you hear worms in cats belly?

No, but their stomachs feel somewhat hard when they have any types of worms.