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Q: Are dogs and cats immune to tape worms?
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Will pyrantel pamoate praziquantel kill tape worms in dogs and cats?


Can dogs have leeches in their feces?

No,intestinal worms and tape worms are possibilities

How can dogs get tape worms?

They would have to drink contaminated water.

Does sushi cause tape worms?

yes that's how dogs get worms Yes, tape worms like to lay eggs on fish. Later that fish becomes sushi. Then you may eat that fish. Then the tape worm's eggs will hatch.

What do tapeworm and host represent?

The tape worms hosts are human and animals. Mostly common in humans, cats, and dogs, and also mostly common in ifants and young children.

What's the cheapest way to get rid of tape worms from cats?

Give a wormer that contains praziquantel.

What kind of worm is flat and black that comes out of a dogs buttocks?

if the dog had disease round worms. or tape worms.

How do doges get tapeworms?

Dogs get tape worms from garbage or from eating uncooked meat specially pork.

Can children get these tape worms from there dog?

If the dogs have fleas, there is a big possibility it has has tapeworms too.

Puppy wormed one week ago is it normal for small white worms to be present but no fecal matter?

You never mentioned what kind of worms your dog was treated. For hook and round worms an over the counter treatment may be enough. If you go to the vet they will give your dog Strongid-T, which will take care of the hook and round worms. If you are seeing white worms coming out of your dogs rectum or you see white worms in the fecal matter, your dogs has Tape worms. There is no over the counter treatment that will get rid of Tape worms. You must go to the vet who will give you a little pill to give to your dog. If your dog has tape worms you may also find tiny and I mean tiny little off white, sesame seed looking things in your dogs bedding. These are Tape worms that have crawled out of your dogs rectum and dried up and died. Sometimes this is the only evidence that a dog owner will see and wonder what the heck they are. Now you know.

Are tape worms black?

No there not black all tape worms are WHITE

What do you do after the cat gets out of the house?

you catch them quick because if they are outside to long they could get tape worms they are white worms that eat your cats digestive system i didnt mean to be rude.