

Do cats respond to stimuili

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes. All living things respond to stimuli

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Q: Do cats respond to stimuili
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How are your cats?

A: cats can respond to diffrent people

How do cats respond to motion?

they would look at the motion

How do pampas cats respond to stimuli in their environment?

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Do cats respond better to a name ending with ee?

Yes. I don't have a clue why but all cats respond better to a name ending with the sound ee. Take my cats Fergus and Felix for example. Fergus responds to Fergee and Felix now responds to Kitty!

How do cats usually respond to Catnip toys?

The response a cat has to catnip toys depends on the cat. Each cat can respond differently. Some cats tend to get playful and aggressive and others will get mellow and relaxed.

My cat don't know his name what should i do?

Cats only respond if they want to. He/she may have more important things to do. Some cats don't respond to certain words. Many cats respond better to a name that contains the letter 'I'. If your cat is still young he/she will need to learn that it is his/her name. You may not be using the correct tone of voice, you may be speaking too nicely. Your cat may be partially deaf.

Do cats react when called by there names?

There are many ways cats respond to stimuli. Depending on the cat, they might purr, meow, or rub up against you.

Do cats respond when you say their names?

Yes, there is some evidence that both cats and dogs become familiar with the voice of their owner and will respond when called. This may not mean these animals understand actual words, but there is evidence they do associate the sound of their name with being fed or being petted.

Why do cats run to the can opener?

They are familiar with the noise and have realized that they get food right after they hear the noise. So they respond.

How cats respond to environment?

a cat will learn how to hunt and move around in an area like a forest so it can acquire food and water.

Do cats respond to their names being called out like if i call my cat Gilbert and i say Gilbert come here will it look at me or pretend im just talking randomly?

A cat will respond to its name being called out if it wants to.

What has a better hearing a cat or a dog?

Cats have better hearing. They can hear more frequencies than dogs. Also cats respond up to ten times faster than some of the best watch hounds.