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I believe that all of them do.

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Q: Do celestial bodies have more than one element which ones?
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Does the universe affect moods?

The universe? You need to clarify... Our little corner (solar system), the sun light is obvious; seeing how amazing a star filled sky looks is also obvious. Also, depression from lack of sunlight or excessive heat during summer are other ones. However, other celestial bodies? Most likely not, for any celestial body to affect you, another would alter or counter effect....

Does the moon have any oceans?

There are no large bodies of water on the moon (or even small ones). There are areas called 'seas' though they are not seas as we know them on earth.

How are the moon's craters evidence that large meteoroids probably hit Earth?

Looking at the evidence of meteor strikes on the moon is obvious. It would be logical to assume that celestial bodies have struck the earth in the past even though the evidence has been covered up by erosion, plant, growth, and other environmental factors.

How many stars are in Cygnus the swan?

6-9. It depends on which map you're looking at for constellations. More recent ones show 9, but earlier ones show 6.

What are some examples of superstitious beliefs about celestial bodies?

well.... a couple of them i can list out for you are as follows:- some people in India cancels their journeys when somebody sneezes around at that time. some stop going out for work when a cat passes across their way some consider involuntary winking of the right eye as an indication of good times in ones life are about to start some consider their day to be auspicious if they stamp dung by accident and many more if i continue......

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Why did early Greek astronomers think that all celestial bodies moved in circular motions?

Not all of them did. The ones who did believe in strictly circular motions were influenced by Aristotle, who may have been the wrong-est person who ever lived.

Are satellites bigger celestial objects than smaller ones?

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Which element are more reactive in the periodic table?

The lower left (Cesium) ones and the upper right's(Fluorine).

How many celestial spirits does Lucy have in fairy tail?

According to, she has 14 keys already. 10 golden ones and 4 silver ones

Who named the element mercury?

The ones who discovered the element mercury were the ancients

Why do the celestial bodies fall on earth?

Well, most don't. The ones that do, however, are because they got close enough that Earth's gravity was able to grab hold of them and draw them to the surface. It is also possible that they were on a collision course with us outright, in which case the best answer would be, "We got in their way".

What element is more dense than water?

All of them except for Li, Na, K, and the ones that are gaseous at room temperature.

Does the universe affect moods?

The universe? You need to clarify... Our little corner (solar system), the sun light is obvious; seeing how amazing a star filled sky looks is also obvious. Also, depression from lack of sunlight or excessive heat during summer are other ones. However, other celestial bodies? Most likely not, for any celestial body to affect you, another would alter or counter effect....

What element occurs as a diatomic molecule?

Oxygen which is represented as O2 and Nitrogen which is represented as N2. There are more but those are the most apparent ones.

What is a concentration of a small celestial bodies between mars and Jupiter?

The asteroid belt. Asteroids are typically only a few metres to a few hundred metres across. The larger ones may be a few hundred km across, with the largest asteroid being a dwarf planet called Ceres (974km across).

Why did the Ancient Egyptians mummify bodies?

to preserve respected ones e.g king tuts and so that the bodies could go into the afterlife

Do all orbiting celestial bodies have a clockwise orbit and rotation upon their own axis likewise?

Both Venus and Uranus rotate counter-clockwise while still orbiting the sun clockwise. Which ones are clockwise and which are counter-clockwise depends upon whether you are looking looking at the sun, and planets, from the north or south pole.