

Do centipedes travel in pairs

Updated: 10/25/2023
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11y ago

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I just killed one in my room & I'm wondering if I should be on the look out for a second one.

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Q: Do centipedes travel in pairs
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Do centipedes travel from their legs?

If you mean by that centipedes travel using their legs, then the short answer is yes.

What has either one or two pairs of legs on their many segmented bodies?

centipedes have 1 pair milipedes have 2 pairs

What has tthe most legs?

The centipedes have the most legs.It can have a varying number of legs from under 20 to over 300. Centipedes have an odd number of pairs of legs, e.g. 15 or 17 pairs of legs (30 or 34 legs) but never 16 pairs (32 legs).

How many pairs of wings do centipedes have?

They have two pairs of wings. So four wings in total. two on each side.

How many legs do centipete have?

centipedes can have a varying number of legs from under 20 to over 300. Centipedes have an odd number of pairs of legs, e.g. 15 or 17 pairs of legs (30 or 34 legs) but never 16 pairs (32 legs). A key trait uniting this group is a pair of venom claws or "forcipules" formed from a modified first appendage. Centipedes are a predominantly carnivorous taxon.

In what family do centipedes belong?

Centipedes belong to the family Chilopoda, which is a group of many-legged arthropods. They are known for their elongated bodies and numerous pairs of legs.

How much legs does a normal sized centipede have plzzzzzzzzz tell me i need to do it for homework?

Centipedes, which are members of the class Chilopoda, always have an uneven number of pairs of walking legs, ranging from 15 to more than 171. The true centipedes (order Scolopendromorpha) have either 21 or 23 pairs of legs. Common house centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrato) have 15 pairs of legs.I think they will most likely be asking the amount of legs for the common house ones so it would be 15 pairs of legs.:)

Is a centiped a arthropod?

Yes, centipedes are arthropods; they have joint appendages and segmented body with pairs of legs per segment.

Why do centiped's have 100 legs?

Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs from under 20 to over 300. They always have an odd-number of pairs (for example 17 or 21 pairs instead of 20 or 26 pairs)

How many legs does chelicerata have?

most have between 21 and 23 pairs of legs. Earth centipedes are longer and have 31 pairs. Some other species are known to have 300

What are the differences between a centipedes and millipedes?

Centipedes are fast-moving and are usually predators. They have one pair of legs on each body segment. Millipedes are slow-moving detritus eaters. They have two pairs of legs on each body segment.

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