

Do centrioles contain DNA

Updated: 6/12/2024
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13y ago

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Yes, cnDNA has been discovered. See "centrosomal RNA correlates with intron-poor nuclear genes in Spisula oocytes" by Alliegro.

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7h ago

No, centrioles do not contain DNA. They are structures made up of microtubules that play a role in organizing the spindle fibers during cell division.

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What are the role of centrioles?

Centrioles help divide DNA during cell division.

What is the role of centrioles?

Centrioles are involved in organizing the microtubules during cell division. They help in the formation of the spindle apparatus, which is essential for separating chromosomes during mitosis. Additionally, centrioles are important for the formation of cilia and flagella in some cells.

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Plants do have centrosomes, but they do not contain centrioles in them.

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The mitochondria in animal and plant cells and the chloroplasts in just plant cells. There is some talk about the centrioles having their own DNA, but, unlike the other organelles mentioned, no DNA from the centrioles has been isolated or sequenced.

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Do fungi and protists cells have centrioles?

No,they do not have it.Only animals have a pair.

Is centrioles in plant cells?

NO plants do not have centrioles, but have a spindle closely identical to the Animals

What important structure are found inside the nucleus cell?

DNA in the form of chromosomes, and centrioles

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The phase of mitosis in which doubling of the centrioles occurs is the G1 phase. During this phase, the centrioles replicate to ensure that each daughter cell will receive a complete set of centrioles.