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Don't even pay attention to chain letters, when you get them throw them right out

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Q: Do chain letters give you bad luck?
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Where can you get chain letters?

Chain letters are typically sent through email, social media, or regular mail. They often contain a message urging the recipient to share the letter with a specific number of people to bring good luck or avoid bad luck. It's important to be cautious of chain letters as they can be a form of spam or scam.

Is it bad luck to have 13 letters in your name?

It is bad luck to be superstitious.It is bad luck to be superstitious.It is bad luck to be superstitious.It is bad luck to be superstitious.

If you dont send the chain letters will something actually happen to you?

No. Chain letters are scary but they don't come true. If you get one through the mail, the Post Office will investigate. You might also want to know that "friends don't send chain letters to friends." It's like wishing bad luck onto someone. If you received one from a friend - they aren't a very good friend.

Don't you hate those scary chain letters I always forward them but I still get reallyyyyy freaked out and can't sleep.?

Chain letters and emails are illegal. If you get a chain letter, contact the Postal Inspector at your neighborhood Post Office. Give them the chain letter and then forget about it. Chain emails should be forwarded to: If someone passes around chain letters at work, give them to your supervisor, and then forget it. Nuisance mail of any type only has the power you give it; consider it the 'trash' that it is. Persons who send them prey on minds of superstitious people to keep them going. You're not going to get any more money if you send a dollar to everyone listed in the chain letter, and the only bad luck that can actually come from a chain letter is a paper cut. If you let it frighten you or make you nervous, accidents can happen. Don't lose sleep or strain your brain on simple words written on paper.

What brings you bad luck and first three letters are sat?

Letting a portrait fall.

Does breaking a mirror really give you seven years of bad luck?

No breaking a mirror doesn't really give you bad luck it just people being supersticious

Is chainmail legal?

In general, owning and wearing chainmail armor is legal in most places. However, there may be restrictions on wearing it in public or specific circumstances. It's always a good idea to check local laws and regulations regarding armor and weapons.

What are the three main parts to a chain letter?

The three main parts of a chain letter are usually a message encouraging recipients to pass on the letter to others, a promise of good luck or fortune, and a threat of bad luck if the chain is broken.

Will you actually die if you don't obey a chain letter?

no you wont. chain letters are very bad for your mental health. they trick you into thinking you're gonna die when you aren't. chain letters are also annoying to others because they'll get heaps in their inbox. have a nice day!

If you give someone a ring on valentines day is it bad luck?

No I do not think it is bad luck at all. Especially if it is a wedding ring.

Where is it bad luck to say Macbeth?

Tradition says, saying "Macbeth" in a theater will give bad luck to all the actors and the play itself. In a theater.

What do you do when you get a chain letter?

Both mail and online chain letters serve no useful purpose, so should not be passed on. Unless you are superstitous, throw it away. Or you could keep it and start a collection of them. --- If ghosts live in your house, I would send it on. Maybe you should keep it for awhile and see if you have bad luck. (If you die, you can't.)