

Do cheetahs swim

Updated: 11/17/2022
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12y ago

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i am not sure how accurate this is but i don't think so because they probably have never been in deep or water that they cant touch in

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Cheetahs can swim but do not do it except under necessity. Some cats, such as tigers and jaguars, seem to enjoy swimming, however.

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Can Cheetah swim?

yes they can but they don't like to.

How fast do cheetahs go?

Cheetahs are the fastest animals. The can go up to 70 mph. Also, Cheetahs can out run a car.

Do cheetahs like water?

No, Cheetah do not enjoy swiming, though they will in cases in neccasary.Cheetahs like to swim if they're not force to swim, but if they are catching prey, they will happily chase the prey and go into the water.

What cool things can a jaguar do?

They climb, swim, and they are the strongest cats, but cheetahs are alot cooler because they can run so fast

Are cheetahs cooler than tigers?

It is a matter of personal opinion. Scientifically though, tigers are a lot more dominant than cheetahs. A cheetahs body is designed for speed and agility. Whereas a tigers body is designed for stealth and power. In a battle, a tiger has more chance of winning against a cheetah, since cheetahs are slimmer, therefore unable to take as much damage as a tiger. I would say cheetahs are alot cooler than tigers. Think about it, cheetahs and tigers can swim, cheetahs are more elegent than the tiger, cheetahs are faster than the tiger, and cheetahs are in better shape than the tiger. Tigers don't do much. Cheetahs are better hunters than tigers, and more uquine. They are smarter than tigers, too.

Are cheetahs helpful or harmless?

Cheetahs are both helpful and harmless. There are no records of cheetahs ever attacking a human.

How are king cheetahs and regular cheetahs the same?

King cheetahs are just regular cheetahs with a rare coat pattern mutation.

Do warthogs eat cheetahs?

No, cheetahs eat warthogs.

What cause cheetahs?

Older cheetahs.

Are cheetahs in Madagascar?

No, there are no cheetahs in Madagascar.

Is a cheetha faster then a wolverine?

Cheetahs are the fastest land animals on Earth, while Wolverines are generalised hunters which can run, swim and climb, they do all of these activities fairly well but don't excel at any of them.

Do cheetahs live in countries?

Cheetahs live in Africa and Western Asia. Cheetahs live in Africa but rare sightings say that some cheetahs have traveled to Australia. cheetahs mostly live in Africa