

Do chicks die if they do not have their mother?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes and no. They need her to lay on the egg so they can hatch. They need her to lay in them AFTER they have hatched. And the father goes and gets food and coughs it up so it will be easier to chew. And if the mother flys away, the cater will take care of the chicks while she is gone.

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Q: Do chicks die if they do not have their mother?
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How can a mother chicken tell which chicks are her's when on a farm with other hen's chicks?

By verbal communication, and even by sight. To a human all chicks peep the same, but to a mother hen, she can tell which chicks are hers and which are not.

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They need a mother until they grow feathers which might be in about a week, then you can let the mother be a normal hen again, but separate chicks from all birds

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Chicks hatch and know instinctively what to eat. Brood hens do not teach or feed the chicks.

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they die naturally

Do hens care for the chicks after they are hatched?

yes they do the chicks follow the mother round until they can look after themself

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Chicks (as in baby chickens) will eat grain, insects, grass, anything that they see their mother pecking at.

Why do chicks follow their mother?

Their mother is like their teacher, she teaches them, where to find things, how do eat or drink

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Please, do not disturb or feed chicks in nests. The answer is no. If the mother sees or smells humans around the nest then she may abandon the chicks, then they'll die. the food also needs to be chewed and regurgitated by the mother, so the chicks don't choke on it. In some areas it is actually a criminal offence to interfere with nesting birds, especially areas which are home to endangered species or migratory birds.

What to do..canary hen's sitting on babies they're about 13 days old and she's ready to lay eggs again i put another nest but i fear that the chicks will day if she will die if she didn't sit on them?

Do not put another nest in a naturally birds will use the nest they currently using disturbing to mother can cause her to destroy all eggs and chicks (hatchlings ) . And the chicks won't die because they huddle together and share body heat. In nature the mother can leave the nest to gather food. Hope this was helpful.

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Why does mother sit on chicks?

Because it keeps her chicks portected and also keeps them warm. Without warmth they would die because they are young and don't have ready enough feathers. Without protection, it might not know where to go and a predator might chase and they have no one to defend them.

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No, mother hens do not feed their chicks. The mother hen calls her chicks and encourages them to peck food up off the ground in the same way that she does.