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Q: Do chihuahua bleed during pregnancy
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How many days is normal to bleed in six weeks of pregnancy?

It is not normal to bleed during pregnancy.

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Do pit bulls bleed during pregnancy?

actually pit bulls don't bleed through their pregnancy but some might if they have problems or a strange condition.

Is it normal to bleed a lot after taking a pill to stop your pregnancy?

A pill to stop your pregnancy means you had an abortion.It is very normal to bleed a lot during an abortion, this is the pregnancy expelling itself.

What does it mean when you bleed brown during pregnancy?

i know this is harsh but is; often a sign of a miscarriage

Do snakes bleed during pregnancy?

Yes, snakes actually bleed very badly during child birth. The blood is blue and if there isn't much blood, something is wrong with the snake.

Is it OK to bleed in early pregnancy for 8 days almost like a period?

You should contact your doctor for any bleeding during a pregnancy.

What are the chances of getting your period while actually being pregnant when you have several pregnancy symptoms?

It is possible to have a period like bleed during early pregnancy. But the bleeding is usually light and never a heavy, normal period bleed.

Is it ok to bleedingafter pregnancy confirmed?

It is never okay to bleed during pregnancy. Some women do have bleeding, and go on to have normal pregnancies. However, you should call your doctor immediately when you have bleeding during pregnancy. I hope the best for you. Good Luck!

What is an amniotic sack blister?

Every pregnancy has two sacs, sometimes a blister forms between them and you may bleed during pregnancy. Should go away on it own.

How soon after a bleed in early pregnancy can you do another pregnancy test to find out if you have miscarried or not?

If you start bleeding during early pregnancy, it is really important to go to your doctor or a local ER to have an ultrasound and a blood test.