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Some do as adults but not all.

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Q: Do children look for their parents after they get put up for adoption?
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Related questions

How many children put up for adoption live healthy live?

As many as have wonderful adoptive parents and the $$$ to do so.

Why were kids put up for adoption in World War 2?

Children were also put up for adoption during Vietnam (as was I). There are trama's of war, that likely scare the parents themselves, even if they are still alive, and in my case, my parents did not trust themselves.

Orphanages in Utah?

There are no orphanages in Utah. Children who have no parents or whose parents have abandonded them or have been deemed unfit to raise them are placed in foster care and/or put up for adoption.

Could Parents that put ther children up for adoption ever adopt them back?

The only way birthparents could adopt their child back is if the adoptive parents put the child up for adoption and agreed to give the child back to the birthparents. Once the child is adopted, the birthparents cannot force the parents to give the child back.

Are parents worried when they put a kid up for adoption?

Of course.

How do you get your parents to put you up for adoption?

That's terrible but, you really can't make them.

By religion is it ok for an Orthodox Jew to put their baby up for adoption?

By religion it is ok for an Orthodox Jew to put their baby up for adoption, but to Jewish adoptive parents.

Can Orthodox Jews put their child up for adoption?

No. Orthodox Jews cannot put their children up for adoption.

What happens if you have more than one child in China?

The parents get heavily fined. The second or after born children are usually put up for adoption.

Can you put a teenager up for adoption?

There are many teen mothers willing to put their children up for adoption. Going to a good adoption agency is key. Most of the mothers are young unwed mothers.

How many children are put up for adoption in America?

There is no statistical information collected on the number of children becoming available for adoption in the US. The number would include those in private adoption, kinship placements, children moving from foster care to foster adoption, as well as readoptions resulting from disruption.

In Ohio If a girl is 16 can her parents force her to put baby up for adoption?
