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Q: Do children spend too much time at school?
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How much time do children spend in the classroom versus time spent with parents?

Children spend about 7 hours of their day in a classroom during the school year. Often times they spend an equal amount with their parents.

To spend too much time in studies is sloth comments?

if you spend too much time in school, you'll be a sloth..

How much time do you spend with family after school?

you spend about 5 hours with your family and then you go to school for about 8 hours

On average how much time do fathers spend with their children?

Not enough!

What do German children do all day?

They attend school from 8 until 2. They spend hours on homework. They play sports and spend time with friends. During vacation, they might go away to Italy or to the beach. German children spend much less time in front of computers or tv than Americans.

How much time a day should a school kid spend at school?

7 minimum

How much time will a child spend in grade school?

About 6 hrs.

How much time should parents spend with their children doing homework?

Parents should spend however much time is necessary for their particular child to grasp the material.

What caused more children to spend less time working in factories?

new laws required children to attend school

How many children spend time in school?

Millions of kids and you just have to help them do good in school

Should children go to school 6 day a week?

No.. My child gets on the bus at 8am and dont get home until a little after 4pm. I do like spending time with my children, and if they go to 6 days a week I would not get to spend much time with him.

How much do you have to hang out with your boyfriend outside of school?

you really can spend all the time you want