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The reason cedar and pine bedding are so popular is that they are great controlling odor. Unfortunately, these odor reducing chemicals can be toxic. The chemical compound phenol contained in these wood shavings is a germicide and often used in creating disinfectants. Many household cleaning products contain these chemicals. Scientific test have shown that these odor controlling hydrocarbons are a potential health risks....

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Q: Do chinchillas have problems with ceder chips as bedding?
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What bedding do you give to a horse with respiratory problems?

try wood chips. they are not as dusty as other bedding. but don't use oak. it is mildly poisonus to horses try wood chips. they are not as dusty as other bedding. but don't use oak. it is mildly poisonus to horses

How is ceder made?

Ceder (cedar) is actually grown rather than made. Cedar chips and wood comes from cedar trees. Cider is made by squeezing fruits and cooking them to create a drink.

What can you use as ball python bedding?

wood chips

Are chinchillas allowed to eat banana chips or dried bananas?

yes in small amounts

Will wood chips hurt your guinea pigs?

No wood chips will not hurt your guinea pig and are often put into their cages for bedding.

What kind of bedding is suitable for a palm tree?

There are a few different bedding options that are suitable for palm trees. Generally, the best bedding is sand with a mix of wood chips in it, as this is usually what they grow in.

How do you stop your hedgehog from eating his wood chips?

Use a blanket as bedding instead.

What is a chinchillas favorite food?

Usually raisins but mine likes dried apple chips from Whole Foods better. Actually... I think it's tied with dandelions..

What will Guinea pigs need in their cage?

Guinea pigs need somewhere to hide, constant supply of hay(timothy hay preferably), a water bottle, plain guinea pig pellets, and toys. They also need fresh fruit and veg everyday, and for the bedding they should either have wood chips or fleece(i prefer fleece as wood chips could cause breathing problems)

How do babies walk?

They tend to have a hop/ jump/ skitter type gait. This is especially true when wood chips and or straw is used as a bedding on the brooder floor.

Is there a certain kind of bedding for baby mice?

not really but if it is babies as you said I would highly recomend just plain sredded paper and do not use wood chips

Can you use a sweater or wool as bedding for a mouse?

I don't see any harm in it, I used to give my hamsters Kleenex for bedding. Although, you may want to buy bedding that is made just for your mouse at a local pet store. Some materials have dyes so I wouldn't recommend it. As the other poster said go to your pet store, or use cotton baton and wood chips.