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While cigarettes do not interact directly with Cephalexin, if you have impetigo it is a good idea to quit smoking as the smoke can irritate the blisters.

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Q: Do cigarettes affect the antibiotic cephalexin if im taking it for the skin infection impetigo?
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Related questions

What is a bacterial skin infection with pustules that rupture and form crusts?

Impetigo :)

What is rule out impetigo?

"Rule out impetigo" means make sure it's not impetigo, a bacterial infection of the skin.

What is infotiger infection?

I think you mean Impetigo, which is a skin infection common in small children.

Can Impetigo harm an unborn baby?

Impetigo is a 'contagious' disease. That means it is spread by direct physical contact. If you don't touch anyone who has it you shouldn't get the infection. It is quite rare for an adult to get impetigo. This is partly because it is usually caused by the most common bacteria which are present on the skin, and adults usually have more resistance. Being pregnant does not create an extra risk. The bacteria which cause the disease are not likely to cause any harm to an unborn child if there is only an infection on the skin. The disease is often treatable with antibiotic cream, but sometimes the patient also needs to take an antibiotic by mouth. If you did catch the infection, then as long as the doctor knows that you are pregnant, you could, if required, be prescribed antibiotic that is safe to use in pregnancy.

What is ruling out?

"Rule out impetigo" means make sure it's not impetigo, a bacterial infection of the skin.

What causes impetigo strep throat?

Impetigo strep throat is an infection caused by a type of staphylococcus virus.

Can impetigo be transmitted from cats?

Impetigo is a bacterial infection that does not have the ability to be tranmitted from cats to humans. A person suffering from impetigo should visit their doctor for immediate treatment.

What part of body does impetigo affect?

Impetigo is a skin infection. It produces sores or blisters, usually on the face, neck, and hands.

An example of a bacterical infection?

Impetigo, conjunctivitis, boil, stye

Impetigo is a highly contagious viral skin infection?

No, it's a highly infectious bacterial skin infection.

What is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection occurring in children?


What skin infection is it which is like Impetigo but without blisters pus or scabs and has just redness around the mouth?

A skin infection similar to impetigo but that only presents with redness around the mouth is perioral dermatitis.