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Impetigo :)

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Q: What is a bacterial skin infection with pustules that rupture and form crusts?
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Related questions

Is infestation of the hair and skin with lice known as impetigo?

No, infestation of the hair and skin with lice is known as pediculosis. Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the skin that typically presents with honey-colored crusts.

This inflammatory contagious skin condition seen in babies is characterized by the appearance of vesicles that rupture and develop distinct yellow crusts?

Varicella (chicken pox) starts with vesicles (blisters) that rupture and get yellow crust. Impetigo has yellow crust as well, but no vesicles.

How were pie crusts first used?

Pie crusts were originally used only with meat dishes

Does eating the crusts of bread give you curly hair?

No, eating the crusts of bread will not make you hair curly.

Do pancakes have crust?

No Pancakes don't have crusts any how why would they The white bit around the side is just part of the pancake not crusts No, pancakes do not have crusts. The circumference bit is just the same as the middle, just less cooked. Some think these are crusts but they don't.

How are crusts classified?

cause they are tasty:)))))))

What is the earths crusts consistency?


Are bread crusts good for you?

bread crusts are good for you because they contain more wheat than the bread itself how could they be bad for you?

Does Justin bieber like crusts?


In the sentence She liked thick crusts better than the thin and crispy type but she wasn't really fussy What are the nouns?

The nouns in the sentence are crusts and type.

Is it true that eating crusts makes your hair curl?

no its a total myth to get kids to eat there crusts, there are others such as: eat your crusts to get big muscles etc. i don't see how eating bread can change your physical appearances except maybe your weight (bread is very fatty)

Can you bake your pie crusts the night before?
