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Yes, it is fairly common for patients with cirrhosis and general liver problems to have issues with blood clotting. (Read: blood failing to clot, e.g after blood tests). It may also cause an issue with bruising - both randomly and after blood tests.

If bleeding after blood tests is a problem, press very firmly for as long as possible on the site, and ask the nurse to cover the site with cotton wool/gauze and tape, rather than a plaster; it provides more pressure and absorbency.

If you find bruising is becoming a problem, taking an ice-pack with you for after blood tests can be really useful to prevent swelling/bruising. Or just go home an stick a bag of frozen peas on your hand.

Or, if all else fails, you have no ice pack and a bruise is forming, get an ice cream from the hospital canteen/shop to use as an ice pack.

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Q: Do cirrhosis patients have bleeding problems?
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You need to see your doctor immediately. There could be other reasons for your bleeding besides liver problems such as bleeding ulcers, colon polyps, etc. Do not put it off!! Good luck!

If you're a male with alcohol cirrhosis and you're bleeding is this one of the worst symptoms or could it get worse?

If it is cirrhosis of the liver, then yes it can get much worse, cirrhosis can be fatal so keep away from all toxins!!! Especially alcohol! It is usually a sign that the disease has progressed. It was shortly after I started bleeding internally that I was admitted for transplant.

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The best way to possibly prevent the development or recurrence of bleeding varices is to eliminate the risk factors for cirrhosis of the liver. The most common cause of cirrhosis is prolonged alcohol abuse.

Why did medieval doctors kill more than cure?

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The health care team closely monitors the patient for bleeding, infection, liver failure, or other problems requiring immediate medical attention.

What sort of Doctor is a specialist for treating a liver patient?

Many doctors deal with patients who have cirrhosis, mainly depending on what the cause of the cirrhosis was. But there is a specialty who deals with the liver, a hepatologist.

What is the prognosis for patients with HBV and HDV?

A large majority of patients with coinfection of HBV and HDV recover from an episode of acute hepatitis. However, about two-thirds of patients chronically infected by HDV go on to develop cirrhosis of the liver.