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Q: Do cockroaches eat leather and wood?
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Would a cockroach eat marijuana?

The funny thing about this is I just got done working on an experiment with testing the affects of THC in animals cockroaches love the stuff. So the answer is yes they smoke weed every day hehehe

What do cockroaches and moths eat that is the same?

Well, what do cockroaches eat? Cockroaches are usually omnivores, except the wood-eating genus Cryptocercus. They feed mostly on dead or immobile things. Cockroaches prefer food sources such as sweets, cheese, meat products, starches and grease. They also feed on plants, vegetables and fruits. They eat almost any type of food, including household items such as leather, beer, glue, flakes of dried skin, starch in book bindings or decaying organic matter of animals or plants. Cockroaches also eat kitchen crumbs, paper, human dander, shelf paper backing and much more. -

Do cockroaches like fresh paint?

No but it's not a deterrent either. they actually prefer unfinished wood for nesting on. If you mean will they eat it, no.

Do cockroaches eat sperm. and why. is there nutritional value?

No, cockroaches don't eat sperm.

Is wood cockroaches dangerous?

No, they eat rotting wood and bark from fallen trees. They have no interest in humans or houses, except when they accidentally come inside, perhaps in some firewood.

What does the eat cockroaches?

what does the cockroach eat

What does cockrock eat?

Cockroaches are usually omnivores, except the wood-eating genus Cryptocercus. They feed mostly on dead or immobile things. Cockroaches prefer food sources such as sweets, cheese, meat products, starches and grease. They also feed on plants, vegetables and fruits. They eat almost any type of food, including household items such as leather, beer, glue, flakes of dried skin, starch in book bindings or decaying organic matter of animals or plants. Cockroaches also eat kitchen crumbs, paper, human dander, shelf paper backing and a lot of other things.

Do cockroaches eat onions?

Yes, cockroaches will eat an onion. The cockroach will feeds on almost anything that is left out on a counter.

Can big roaches eat through paper like a rat?

Cockroaches are usually omnivores, except the wood-eating genus Cryptocercus. They feed mostly on dead or immobile things. Cockroaches prefer food sources such as sweets, cheese, meat products, starches and grease. They also feed on plants, vegetables and fruits. They eat almost any type of food, including household items such as leather, beer, glue, flakes of dried skin, starch in book bindings or decaying organic matter of animals or plants. Cockroaches also eat kitchen crumbs, paper, human dander, shelf paper backing and much more.

What won't cockroaches eat?

Try re-typing your question so I can give you an accurate anwser.

What do baby cockroaches eat?

They eat Rice sambar

What do zebra cockroaches eat?
