


Questions about cockroaches, a common household pest, including their habitat, prey, and food.

1,270 Questions

What is causing cockroaches in a neighbor's front yard but not in his house in a southwest area of the US?

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There could be various reasons for this, including the availability of food sources in the front yard, such as garbage or damp areas, or hiding spots such as vegetation or debris. Cockroaches are nocturnal and may be seeking shelter during the day in the yard. Without suitable conditions or access to food inside the house, they may prefer to stay outdoors.

What is mean by digestive system of cockroach?

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Asked by Pratikahire

The digestive system of a cockroach consists of a long alimentary canal that runs from the mouth to the anus. It includes structures such as the crop for storing food, the gizzard for grinding food, and the midgut for digestion and absorption of nutrients. Waste materials are eliminated through the anus.

What is the zoological name of a cockroach?

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The zoological name of a cockroach is Periplaneta americana.

What is the overall picture of the digestive system of a cockroach?

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The digestive system of a cockroach consists of a foregut, midgut, and hindgut. Food is ingested through the mouth, processed in the crop and gizzard, and then digested in the midgut with the help of enzymes. Waste is eliminated through the hindgut and exits the body through the anus.

What plant do cockroachs eat?

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Cockroaches are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal material. They may feed on a variety of plant matter including fruits, vegetables, and decaying plant material. However, they are primarily scavengers and will consume almost anything, including human food, trash, and other insects.

Is a cockroach an heterotroph?

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Yes, a cockroach is a heterotroph because it obtains nutrients and energy by consuming organic matter from its environment. Cockroaches are scavengers and feed on a variety of decaying organic material.

Are cockroaches herbivore or carnivores?

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According to our free online Encyclopedia: (("Cockroaches are generally omnivorous with the exception of the wood-eating genus Cryptocercus")) There you have it!!

Is a cockroach an omnivore?

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Yes, cockroaches are omnivores, meaning they can consume a variety of food sources including plant material, decaying organic matter, and sometimes other insects. They are known for being able to survive on a wide range of food types, making them adaptable and resilient pests.

How cockroachs interact with mankind?

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Cockroaches often seek out human habitats for food, water, and shelter. They can contaminate food and surfaces, potentially spreading diseases and triggering allergic reactions in humans. In turn, humans may use various methods to control and eliminate cockroach infestations in their homes and businesses.

Examples of oviviparous?

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Sharks, snakes, and some species of fish are examples of ovoviviparous animals. These animals produce eggs that hatch inside the mother's body, with the young being born live. Ovoviviparity is a reproductive strategy found in various vertebrates and invertebrates.

What is the largest cockroach on record?

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The Madagascar hissing Cockroach, also known as Hissing Roach or simply hisser, is one of the largest species of cockroach and can reach 5 inches (12 and half centimetres) at maturity.

The giant burrowing cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros)is also quite large. It can grow to be about 3 inches (8/9cm) and be as heavy as 35g.

Baby cockroach size?

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Baby cockroaches, also known as nymphs, are typically smaller than adult cockroaches. They can range in size from about 1-3 mm, depending on the species. As they grow and molt, they will gradually increase in size until they reach adult size.

What harm do crayfish cause?

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Crayfish can cause harm by disrupting local ecosystems when they are invasive species, outcompeting native species for resources. They can also burrow into riverbanks, causing erosion and destabilizing soil. In some cases, crayfish can also act as hosts for diseases that can impact other aquatic animals.

What do you think is the function of the saliva produced by the salivary glands?

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Saliva produced by the salivary glands helps to break down food by initiating the process of digestion. It also helps in lubricating food for easier swallowing and contains enzymes that start the breakdown of carbohydrates. Saliva also helps to maintain oral health by washing away bacteria and food particles.

Why do bugs turn upside down when they die?

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Creatures with exoskeletons frequently have a primitive muscle/blood flow circulation system tied into each other and it is hydraulic by nature. The natural state of their legs is curled up and a force of exertion combined with the pushing of blood through their legs causes them to straighten. They have fine motor control of this which allows them to move, in fact it's probably unconscious such as the way we move our limbs, the process is lsot on us we just know we can do it.

Now, when the insect in question hasn't got enough food or water they grow weak, or with something like old age. So they find it harder to exert to force their legs "open" So imagine their standing on all their legs and can't summon the effort to keep the set on one side open. That side will collapse and they will tip. This causes them to roll over onto their backs. You can try this with a healthy insect and they will tilt and get back up but it's a strain and they use their legs a lot. When they are too weak to do this they are stuck, and frequently die shortly afterwards as they become too weak to right themselves.

What features justifies the placing crayfish and cockroach in the same phylum?

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Crayfish and cockroaches are placed in the same phylum, Arthropoda, because they both have segmented bodies, jointed appendages, and exoskeletons made of chitin. Additionally, they both belong to the subphylum Mandibulata, sharing characteristics such as mandibles for feeding.

Can tuba-tuba seed repel cockroaches?

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Tuba-tuba seeds, also known as Jatropha curcas seeds, contain compounds that have insecticidal properties. While there is some evidence to suggest that these seeds may repel cockroaches, they are not as effective as other commercial cockroach repellents and may not provide long-lasting control. It is recommended to use proven cockroach repellents for effective pest control.

Can the transportation of roaches from one house to another in a moving process be prevented?

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Yes, you can prevent the transportation of roaches by thoroughly inspecting and cleaning your belongings before moving. Seal boxes tightly, use plastic bins with secure lids, and consider treating items with pest control products. Additionally, inspect the new house before moving in to identify and address any existing roach problems.

Is it true that the average cockroach passes gas every 15 seconds?

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No, it is not true that the average cockroach passes gas every 15 seconds. Cockroaches do produce methane gas as a byproduct of digestion, but the frequency varies depending on factors like diet and activity level.

What is the scientific name of the Sand Cockroach?

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The scientific name of the flying cockroach is Blattella asahinai. The Asian cockroach is better-known as the flying cockroach because of the long, narrow wings that allow it to fly. It was first found in the United States in the Lakeland, Florida area in 1986.

How did the German cockroach get its name?

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The German cockroach is named for its believed origin in Southeast Asia and introduction to Europe via trade routes. It was later spread globally by human activity.

What is the scientific name of Indian cockroach?

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The scientific name for the Indian cockroach is Periplaneta indica. It is a common species of cockroach found in India and is known for its resilience and adaptability in urban environments.

What phylum does cockroach belong?

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Cockroaches belong to the phylum Arthropoda.

What is the scientific name for a spider?

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Spiders and scorpions are both types of "arachnids." Spiders are of the class Araneae.

The class name Arachnida and order Araneae come from the Greek word for spider (aráchnē), based on a story from ancient Greek times. Arachne was a woman who challenged the goddess Athena to a weaving competition, but lost and was cursed to live as a spider. (In another version of the story, Arachne won, and it was Athena's jealousy that provoked the curse.)

What additional characteristics does Morley give to roaches?

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Morley gives the roaches in his story "Leiningen Versus the Ants" additional characteristics such as being highly adaptable, relentless, and determined in their pursuit of food. He describes them as a formidable force that is capable of working together with a single-minded focus on their goal.