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Q: Do coffins face in a certain direction in church?
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DISH Network satellite dishes must face a certain direction in order to allow the dish to correctly align with the necessary satellite orbitals.

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Can you check the stick with your stick in an upward direction toward the face in lacrosse?

No in womens lacrosse. I'm fairly certain you can in mens because the face is protected.

What direction do Japanese houses face?

They dont have a particular direction,they can face any direction.

What is an about-face?

An about-face is an abrupt turn to face in the opposite direction, or a complete reversal of attitude, opinion or direction.

What direction do Muslims face to pray in Mexico?

Get a globe and a piece of string. Put one end of the string at Mecca and the other at Mexico. The direction of the string is the direction they face. Members of the Baha'i Faith likewise, only they face Bahji in northern Israel, but only for certain prayers.Mecca is almost exactly due east of Mexico City, so facing due east should be proper.

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In One Direction

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Why does the wind always blow in your face no matter where you go?

It all depends on where you live. I live in Kansas (horrible weather) and as most anyone knows that there is wind there and it blows only in my face. I think that trees by roads channel the air in a certain direction and unfortunately in your face. In Kansas I experience gusts sudden changes in wind direction so I could turn around and it will blow immediately in my direction. I am no meteorologist and it is just my theory.

What direction should you face the Virgin Mary statue?

It does not matter as there are no pronouncements from the Vatican or in Church Tradition on which direction statues should face. However, it is Church tradition that Mass is said, and inferred to an extent, that we should pray, towards the East, towards the rising sun, as a symbol of Christ's Resurrection. So by that logic the statues would face west. None of this is binding however, except for the building of churches which always has the congregation (and before Vatican II, the Priest) facing east.

What direction do Muslims face to prey?

Toward the direction of Mecca.