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Yes, they do. But their orbits are highly eccentric. That means that their orbit first takes them very close to the Sun and then very far away, making the orbit very elongated. Also, all the planets orbit the Sun in more-or-less the same plane. ie, All the orbits are in line (Picture a disc). The orbit of most comets, on the other hand, are not in the same plane. Check the images in the related links for a better idea on their orbits.

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Yes, but the shape of their obits is much more elliptical and they do not necessarily orbit in the plane in which the planets do.

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Q: Do comets orbit around the sun just like planets?
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Where do asteroids and comets come from?

Asteroids are minor planets, especially those of the Inner Solar System. However, between the orbital paths of Mars and Jupiter lie a region known as the asteroid belt. Many asteroids come from there, but most of them stay there. Short-period comets originate from the Kuiper Belt, just outside the orbit of Neptune, while long-period comets are thought to originate in the Oort cloud.

Do the stars or dwarf planets orbit planets?

No. Dwarf planets orbit stars just like planets do. Stars orbit the center of their galaxy. An object orbiting a planet would be a moon.

Which planet's orbit appears most elliptical?

A planet has a circular orbit, with the exception of pluto. A comet has a large but eliptical orbit. An asteroid has no orbit unless it becomes a moon. A meteor has no orbit. It usually flies in a straight line either burning up in the atmosphere or impacting on a planets surface. So, A comet.

How do comets behave?

Comets are just very icy asteroids, they become comets when a large enough of a body of mass, i.e. jupiter or saturn. When this happens, the asteroid gets thrown into an extremely high elliptical orbit. They ideally have an orbit perpindicular to the ecliptic.

What keeps the planets and other solar system objects in orbit around the sun?

The force of gravity is what keeps planets and other objects in orbit around the sun, along with the angular momentum of the planets and objects. Without gravity, they would just fly away into space, and without angular momentum, they would just fall into the sun. But both of those together produce orbital motion.

Related questions

Why do the moons stay in orbit around Jupiter?

Any moon is held in orbit by gravity, just as the planets are held in orbit around the sun by gravity.

Does the other planets go around the sun?

Our nine planets orbit around the Sun. Other planets that are light-years away orbit around their suns (A sun is just a large star with planets). Hope this helped!

Do Comets orbit Earth the way the moon orbits Earth?

no, comets do not orbit Earth. If comets did orbit Earth, it would be Earths Moon's, but comets orbit the kuiper belt at the edge of the Solar System. Some times comets hit each other and get knocked out of their orbit and possibly hit a planet.

Why have comets happened?

Comets are solid pieces of rock that are in long elliptical orbit around the sun. They occur because pieces of other space objects (asteroids, moons, planets, etc.) were knocked off into this path, and the path just happens to come close to the Earth.

Does Uranus have comets?

No. Planets do not have comets. They are not related to planets. They are just objects flying through space that we can see in the sky.

Why does the moon go around certain planets?

Planets have a gravitational pull. It is just strong enough for moons to stay in orbit.

Where do asteroids and comets come from?

Asteroids are minor planets, especially those of the Inner Solar System. However, between the orbital paths of Mars and Jupiter lie a region known as the asteroid belt. Many asteroids come from there, but most of them stay there. Short-period comets originate from the Kuiper Belt, just outside the orbit of Neptune, while long-period comets are thought to originate in the Oort cloud.

What is is the difference between the orbit of a comet and the orbit of a planet?

Comets have elliptical orbits as do planets, in general a comets orbit is more elliptical than a planets orbit. In some cases far more, insomuch as they are temporary visitors to our solar system. --- Comets are small bodies of rock and ice which are in a highly eccentric orbit around the sun. They spend most of their time slowly orbiting the sun, far out beyond the outer planets. Their orbit eventually brings them closer to the sun where they can then be seen more easily as the sun heats the surface and causes gas and dust to come away from the comet. Planets have much more regular orbits, their distance from the sun varies too, but to a much lesser degree. Planets orbits dont cross each others, and they are all on a similar plane. comets orbits are not always on the planetary plane and will cross the orbits of many planets throughout their eccentric orbit.

What other two bodies move around the sun?

eight planets move around the sun, and so do asteroids. comets dont always move around the sun, sometimes they just come straight in and are never seen after going past earth around venus and mercury. sometims they do orbit the sun.

Do the stars or dwarf planets orbit planets?

No. Dwarf planets orbit stars just like planets do. Stars orbit the center of their galaxy. An object orbiting a planet would be a moon.

Is there a planet named orbit?

no. orbit is just something planets do, that's it.

Which planet's orbit appears most elliptical?

A planet has a circular orbit, with the exception of pluto. A comet has a large but eliptical orbit. An asteroid has no orbit unless it becomes a moon. A meteor has no orbit. It usually flies in a straight line either burning up in the atmosphere or impacting on a planets surface. So, A comet.