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eight planets move around the sun, and so do asteroids. comets dont always move around the sun, sometimes they just come straight in and are never seen after going past earth around venus and Mercury. sometims they do orbit the sun.

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They typically move in ellipses around the Sun.

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No. The sun does not move. The Earth, and other planets of the solar system revolve around the sun.

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They both move because the sun moves around the earth and the clouds move in the sky

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the small rocky bodies that vole around the sun are called plantets

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The sun is very near to The Planet Earth because Earth is the third planet from the sun.

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The Earth moves around the sun.

What is nicolaus Copernicus achievement?

He was the first to say that the earth along with the other heavenly bodies orbited around the sun not the other way around.

Do the other planets also move around the sun?

no they orbit Uranus.

Why Do The Earth And Sun Mve Around each Other?

The su does not move the earth moves around the sun by the suns gravitational pull

Where is the sun on the solar system?

Its at the centre of the solar system. All the planets and other bodies are in orbit around it.