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yes. that is one of the methods to form polymers.

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Q: Do condensation reaction join monomers
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What is another name for condensation reaction?

A condensation reaction is a chemical reaction where man-made polymers are made. Condensation reaction is a reaction that links monomers with the release of water.

Condensation polymers can be broken down into their monomers by what kind of reaction?


When synthesizing a polymer a condensation reaction is formed by the joining of monomers?

In dehydration synthesis reactions, compounds gain water

What is removed when joining the individual glucose monomers together?

Water. It's a condensation reaction

What is the term for the chemical reaction that joins the monomers of polymers together?

Dehydration synthesis or condensation

Is condensation removal of water?

condensation is when two monomers join and water is released and hydrolysis is the breakdown of large polymer with the addition of water

What is the chemical reaction by which monomers are linked together to form polymers?

This type of reaction is named polymerization.

What mean polymerise?

Polymers are chemical substances which are made up from smaller units, called monomers. The reaction of joining these monomers to form this larger unit is called polymerisation. (monomers polymerise into polymers). The subunits, or polymers, are typical of the chemical substances. For example, the monomers of proteins are amino acids, monomers of carbohydrates are monosaccharides, monomers of nucleic acids are nucleotides. The reaction itself, by what these monomers are joining together, is a dehydration or condensation reaction.

What is concentration polymerization?

If you're talking about condensation polymerization, it is a reaction in which monomers join together to give a long chain molecule (the polymer) and a small molecule, usually water or hydrochloric acid, like Nylon.

When molecules of glucose and fructose combine to form sucrose What reaction allows the monomers to form polymers?

i do not know what type of reaction but its condensation h2o

What monomers are produced from hydrolysis?

Monomers are not joined together by the process of hydrolysis. Dehydration synthesis, or condensation reaction is the process of chemically joining monomers.

How are covalent linkages in organic polymers formed and broken?

• Condensation or dehydration synthesis reactions. • Monomers are covalently linked to one another through the removal of water.