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It depends on the misdemeanor charge. For a drunk in public charge, chances are they'll take you to jail to sober up andthenlet you go. For a loitering in public charge, if you haven't damaged or stolen anything, they'll check yourID for outstanding warrants and let you go with a misdemeanor citation. Rarely will they do extra work and mail you a ticket later on.

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Q: Do cops arrest you for a misdemeanor or send you a ticket in the mail?
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I personally got the same ticket in NYC, I was scared cause i was stopped by four undercover cops, but in the end it was just a 25 dollar ticket that i just had to mail to the court and my parents never found out. It is not a felony or misdemeanor, just a violation (the same as a speeding ticket). You may have to pay more if outside the city, but still just a violation and under new york state law a maximum penalty of up to $100, and maximum of 30 hours of community service if you actually have to go to court

Can a mail man give you a ticket?

no!? did your mail man give you a ticket? only police can give tickets

Can a mail carrier get a ticket?

Short answer: Yes a mail carrier can get a ticket. I know this because I am a mail carrier and I have a court date coming up to fight a ticket I was given while on the job and performing my duties.

Is it legal to send a ticket in the mail after 17 months?

It would be wise to call the Clerk of the Court or the Violations Bureau in the jurisdiction that issued the ticket to check. My adivce is to DO SO A.S.A.P., because, if it was a 'moving' violation, it is more than likely that there is an outstanding warrant in the system for your arrest for unpaid traffic fines.

How do i view my photo ticket?

You normally get it in the mail.

How long does it take to get a traffic ticket in the mail in California?

Sometimes a traffic ticket will be mailed to a person instead of written by an officer. Depending on the county it can take a week or two for a person to get a traffic ticket in the mail.

What if I am an Illinois resident and I get a ticket in Michigan?

You mail in your payment.

How do you settle a missed toll on the Pennsylvania Turnpike?

They will send you a violation notice in the mail with a penalty. If you still have your ticket, you may mail back the ticket with the toll fee and you will not have to pay the penalty.

If you got a ticket for speeding 96mph in a 70mph in Georgia but live in sc while driving a friends car what happens and what should you do?

the ticket has and address on it and you should send you payment in the mail to that address or if there's a telephone number, you can pay with a credit card over the phone alot of times, you should also tell you friend about the ticket. if you don't pay it, a warrent could be release for your arrest for out standing and unpaid tickets.

If you get pulled over by a police officer and he starts to write you a ticket but then leaves for a special chase do you wait or leave?

stay.............. cops get your tag number so if necessary they can find you If you are instructed to stay then stay. but in most cases the officer will finish what he/she can with you as quickly as possible so you can be on your way. Depending on how serious the reason you are pulled over for, the police department may mail you a ticket and/or supiena.

How do you pay a careless driving ticket?

You will get something in the mail to remit.

Can police mail you your under age drinking ticket?
