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Yes, corn Spiders can and do bite. Their venom is not considered as toxic or as serious as the venom from some other spiders.

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Q: Do corn spiders bite
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Related questions

Are corn spiders poisonus to humans?

No. They are pretty harmless. They almost never bite humans and even if it did it would not be a bad bite. I've handled one. Cool spiders.

Are pop corn spiders poisonous?

It can, if you dont treat the bite. Like many other spiders it has venom, and the venom is about as potent as a black widow's from experience. But if you can get to a hospital at a moderately quick speed, you'll be fine.

Do spiders live after they bite?

Yes spiders do live after they bite. They live for a long time.

Do corn snakes ever bite?

Corn snakes will bite if provoked but they are not venomous.

What spiders don't bite?

All spiders can bite, only the smaller ones cannot pierce the human skin.

Can a spider bite a hamster?

Yes. Spiders can bite a hamsters.

Do spiders bite for protection or for food?

They bite for both reasons.

What is the part of speech of 'bite' in a spiders bite is harmful?

In the sentence "A spider's bite is harmful", bite is a noun.

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Do water spiders bite?

Yes they sure can!