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Q: Do covalent networks conduct electricity when solid?
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Do covalent compounds conduct electricity?

No. Covalent substances do not conduct electricity in solid or liquid state.

Do covalent compounds conduct electricity as liquid or solid?

covalent compounds don't conduct electricity in any state.

Does covalent substances conduct electricity when molten?

No because covalent bonds do not contain ions. (as you know electricity its a flow of charges/ions.) Therefore covlalent bonds, no matter in what state, cannot conduct electricity No because covalent bonds do not contain ions. (as you know electricity its a flow of charges/ions.) Therefore covlalent bonds, no matter in what state, cannot conduct electricity

Can iodine conduct electricity?

Iodine is covalent so it does not conduct electricity in a solid, however it will conduct in a liquid or molten state. The reason why it cannot conduct in a solid is that electrons cannot move freely through it.

What minerals are in pencil lead?

Only Carbon - Graphite Its a covalent solid the only one that can conduct electricity

Does liquid naphthalene conduct electricity?

Naphthalene is a Ionic Substance. Hence, Ionic substance do not conduct when solid. But they do conduct when melted or dissolved in water - and they decompose at the same time. Therefor molten Naphthalene conduts electricity as the ions become free to move when dissolved in water.

What type of compound ionic or covalent will conduct electricity and dissolve in water?

Ionic compounds generally dissolve in water dissociating to give ions that are free to move and conduct electricity. Molten ionic compounds also have free ions and conduct electricity. Ionic compounds generally do not conduct electricity in the solid form.

Do giant covalent bonds conduct electricity when solid?

No, because the molecules are neutral so therefore there are no charged particles to carry a current.

Does calcium bromide conduct electricity?

Calcium bromide is an ionic solid, in the solid state it does not conduct electricity. Solutions do conduct, as does the melt.

Is liquid oxygen a conductor?

No, solid oxygen cannot conduct electricity due to the fact it is a covalent molecular bond.

Do materials with ionic bonds conduct electricity in a solid and liquid state?

Materials with ionic bonds normally conduct electricity only in a liquid state. However metals, which have what are sometimes called "delocalized" ionic bonds, also conduct electricity in the solid state. It is now customary to consider metallic bonds a separate class from both ionic and covalent bonds.

Why does solid iodine not stick to fingerprints?

iodine is a covalent compound and no ionic properties. there are no free electrons on it. so it can not conduct electricity.